Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/98

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Castle.—"I should think (said Ferdinand) that blanket covering must be very troublesome to walk any distance with."

"No (replied the other) it is as commodious as a coat, and, were it otherwise, custom would render it easy."

The hermit set off for his walk; Ferdinand, just able to creep about, came out of the cave to enjoy the sun and fresh air; looking round him, he observed on one side a smaller opening nearer to the ground; curiosity led him to this, and stooping almost to the earth, he saw that it widened, and appeared to have light within. This discovery engaged him to crawl into it; at first he found some difficulty, the passage was dark, and the faint light seemed farther off; still he persisted to crawl on, when on a sudden it opened into a large cave, with a rill of water running through it, and dropping from the sides.

A ray of light, which proceeded from a small chasm at the top, served to discover