Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/112

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put in her grave, I started out to go across Mulberry Street. The sun was shinin' bright when I started out the door and it was as fine a mornin' as I ever seen. When I got to the middle of the street, everything got as dark as night and I yelled for help. They took me to the doctor's but he said I had gone blind and nothing could help me. Then they took me to a hospital, and after a while I could see some light with one eye, but then it left and they said nothing could be done. I couldn't stay shut up, so I came back. Me little shop was gone and everything I owned, so I got a license and went on to Broadway and begged until I got enough to rent the back room again and there I've lived ever since."

"Does what you get pay all your expenses?" Richard asked.

"The city gives me forty dollars a year, and I manage to makeenough with that to keep me."

Maggie took a newspaper off the table