Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/125

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Dick said, laughingly. "What do you know about it?"

"I saw a man dog after you to the office when you first went through, and when you returned he came after you and went on out the side door. He'll be on the watch for you when you go out," he continued, in that even, passionless voice.

"You are very kind," Dick said, gratefully, "to warn me of the fellow."

"The game was too easy, if you didn't know," he said, with a malicious grin. "I only wanted to give the fellow some work—make him earn his money. You can both work at the same game now."

"You are very kind," Dick repeated, mechanically. He had a faint impression that the stranger had warned him of his followers more with malicious motives than with any feeling of good will, still the next moment he