Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/161

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"I forgot to tell you," she said, at length, in an effort to change the subject, "that it's all arranged at last."

"What?" asked Dick, curiously, the current of his thoughts leading him to think it was something about Penelope.

"Why, the affair between Maggie and Martin Shanks. Why, didn't you know?" in great surprise. "Why, I saw it all the first night you brought me back."

"I didn't notice anything in particular, but I recall plainly feeling Mr. Shanks in the dark," Richard replied, grimly. He always felt a little disgust at the remembrance of his fears that night, and he cherished a grudge against lanky Martin Shanks for waiting to be run over in the hallway.

"Well, Maggie and Martin are in love," exultingly.


"Yes, and last night he proposed and was