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"and with this horrible suspicion hanging over him I could never marry him; I could never be happy if I did. I can never be happy if I don't. If we only knew something about it; if only people did not hint things; if I could only crush the horrible idea that he knows more than he told!"

They dismounted, after driving into the cemetery, and walked silently across the green; winding in and out among the grassy and flowered beds and white stones which marked all that had once been life—hope.

An unknown but Christian minister stood waiting them at the open grave. Penelope glanced at him and at the workmen, who left the shade of a tree near-by when they saw the party approaching, and came forward with faces void of any feeling but that of impudent curiosity. The minister repeated the burial service very softly, as the coffin was lowered into the earth. Penelope's throat felt bursting,