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Richard helped her cover the newly-made grave with the flowers and green ivy and smilax they had brought for that purpose.

They were the last to leave. The others had walked slowly among the graves and back to the place where the carriages were waiting. The hearse, immediately after the coffin was lowered into the earth, had gone off with rollicking speed, as if eager for new freight, and the workmen with their spades and picks had disappeared.

"It is ended," said Dick with a relieved sigh, as he led Penelope back to her carriage. "Now let us forget all the misery of these last few days and be happy."

"It is not ended," exclaimed Penelope, spiritedly. "It has only begun. I can never be happy until I know the secret of that girl's death."

"That is impossible, Penelope," replied Dick. "That mystery can never be solved."