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spoke the foreman as he caught a glimpse of Dido's head across the table.

She looked at him with scorn. If glances could kill, he would have died at her feet. Still, she managed to say, quietly:

"Maggie Williams has fainted."

"And because a girl faints must all the shop stop work and disobey rules, eh? I'll pay yer for this. I'll teach yer," he vowed, as he quitted the room.

Dido, unmindful of his brutal threats, turned her attention to Maggie, who in a short time opened her eyes and tried to rise.

"Lie still awhile yet, Maggie," urged her self-appointed nurse. "I'll hold your head on my knee. Don't you feel better now?"

But the girl made no reply. Her small gray eyes stared unblinkingly, unseeingly, up at the smoked rafters of the ceiling.

"What is it, Maggie?" asked the kindly Dido, smoothing the wet, tangled hair, her