Page:The Mystery of Choice - Chambers.djvu/61

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Hast thou seen all there is to see with thy two eyes?
 Dost thou know all there is to know, and so,
Darest thou still to say thy brother lies?

R. W. C.

"The bullet entered here," said Max Tortin, and he placed his middle finger over a smooth hole exactly in the centre of the forehead.

I sat down upon a mound of dry seaweed and unslung my fowling piece.

The little chemist cautiously felt the edges of the shot-hole, first with his middle finger, then with his thumb.

"Let me see the skull again," said I.

Max Fortin picked it up from the sod.

"It's like all the others," he observed. I nodded, without offering to take it from him. After a moment he thoughtfully replaced it upon the grass at my feet.

"It's like all the others," he repeated, wiping his glasses on his handkerchief. "I