Page:The Mythology of the Aryan Nations.djvu/613

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INDEX. 581 HEL Hellenes, 48S Hellespont, 244, 488 Helmet of Hades [Tarnkappe] Hemera, 151, 176, 259 Heming, 340 Heosphoros, 242, 284 Hephaistos, 238, 250, 421, 425, Herakleids, 293, 302, 410 Herakles, 292 , labours of, 295 , Daphnephoros, 299 , Mainomenos, 292 , Panegenetor, 299 , pillars of, 268, 351, 543 Hercules, 299, 545 Herculus, 458, 547 Here, 7, 179, 183, 260, et seq. Herentas, 260 Hermanric, 112 Hermaphroditos, 166 Hermeias, 250, 451 Hermes, 63, 184, 233, 373, 446 the god of day, 275, 447 the Master Thief, 64 Psychopompos, 453 Trismegistos, 457 Agoraios, 457 Hermodhur, 114 Hermotimos, 72 Heme the hunter, 569 Hero, 244 Herodias, 569 Heroic life, 429 Herse, 48, 214, 240, 521 Herth, 355 Hesiodic ages, 428 Works and Days, 172 Hesione, 292 Hesioneus, 283, 382 Hesperides, 284 , apples of the, 284 Hesperos, 261, 284 Hestia, 261, 422 Hettel, 129 Hialprek, 105 Hiarbas, 243 Hierodouloi, 255, 354 Hilaeira, 281 Hilda, 129 Hildebrand, 126 Hildegund, 128 Himeros, 156, 253 Himinbiorg, 199 Hippodameia, 209, 277, 522 Hippokrene, 503 Hippolochos, 340 Hippolyte, 310 Hippolytos, 310 Hipponoos, 311, 549 Hippotes, 411, 470 Hitopadesa, 57 IDA Hjarrandi, 465 Hjordis, 105, 107 Hlodr, 187, 280 Hlorridi, 198 Hnikar, 194 Hnossa, 190 Hoard, the Niblung, 121, 242, 321, 382 Hodr, 301, 333 Hogni, III Holda, 140, 518 Holle, 140 Hope, 434 Horai, 179, 261 Horant, 129 Horos, 301, 512 Horse, wooden, 405 Horses, immortal, 243 of the sea, 479 of the sun, 161, 237, 254 Horselberg, 98, 225 Hours, the, 179 Hrimgerda, 1 14 Hrimthursar, 189 Hrothgar, 555 Hrungnir, 187 Hugdietrich, 317 Huginn, 194 Humiliation, gannent of, 94 Hunding, 105, 108 Hundingsbana, 114 Huon of Bordeaux, 225, 357 Hvergelmir, 268 Hyades, 182, 284, 500 Hydra, 293 and Lynkeys, 486 Hymir, 569 Hyllos, 302, 410 Hyperborean gardens, 131, 261 Hyperboreans, 183, 489 Hypereia, 411, 489 Hyperion, 176, 241 Hypermnestra, 484 H)-pnos, 36, 184, 330, 461 Hypsipyle, 386 Hyrieus, 61 lambe, 511 lamos, 239, 244, 280, 322 lao, 350, 372 lasion, 363 lasios, 183 lason, 239, 363, 385 lasos, 423 lapetos, 176, 427 larnsaxa, 187 Ice, myths of the, 493 Ida, 167, 180 Idaian Daktyls, 182, 489, 525