Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/124

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AS I. ACTON. Ill ASSY NT. in the di,,... of Norv. ich, val. -58, in the pun 1C chinch, -. ie Knyvets and I. It underwent a thornii-.-h repair in are a N.e 1 . school, established in 1851, and a , built in 1841. There is a fuel al Ib acres in this parish. Aslacton was tho birthplace of .'sir William ' larcncicux king-at-arms, and a learned anti- quary, who died in K tej the family of which be was a distingiiishe-el me i. ASLACTON, a tnsli Vhattc.n. hund. of Bingham, in tho co "ham, '2 miles le. the- I-'.. of Bingham, and 1 J i n. It is a. static. n on the Am ilway, and the river Smite runs through the- tm.hp. Tho clwpel, which was dedicated to St. e.f ]!eerley, is dilapidated. Tho matter of greatest interest in connection with this place is that here, in 1489, Archbishop Cranmer, the great leader in tho Reformation of the Church of F.ngland, was born. On the site of tho manor-house, which was the scat of tho Cranmer family, now stands the farmhouse of Mr. Joseph Green. Aslacton Abbey and Asla<i..n Field House are the principal rcside-nccs in the neighbourhood. AM'Al.i,, a par. in the hnnd. of II in the t Suffolk, 1 mile from Debenham, its post town. It lies near tho source of the river Dcben. l"ho living is a perpet. cur. ill the dioc. of Norwich, val. 14!', in tho patron, of Mrs. Chevallier. The free school has an endowment by the Key. John Metcalf (1612) of 00 per ASI'AI.l, SToNI'.HAM. tirt STOXEHAM ASPALL. ASl'ATl.'IA. ;i i u. and market town in All. wanl. . in tho co. of Cumberland, s to the S.W. of Wilton, and 9 miles to the N. of C< mouth. Carlisle is its post town. It is situated on the river Ellen, in a hilly country not far from the sea-coast. i.i a station of the Maryport and Carlisle railway, which intersects tho village, 'included in tho parish are tho Hcve-i-il tnshps. of Aspatria with Brayton, Hayt'.n with Melay, and Outorsido with Allerby, and tho small hmlt. of Prospect. Its name, which is remarkable, is supposed to lie a corruption of Gospatrick, the family name of tho Karl of Dunl>ar, to whom tho manor for- merly belonged. There are coalmines and sandstone quarries in tho neighbourhood, and a small brewery and saw-mills in the village, which is nearly a mile in length, though irregularly built. It contains several good houses and shops, and is situated on tho main road between Mnryport and Carlisle. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Carlisle, val. 249, in the patron, of tho bishop. Tho church, dedicated to St. Kentigern, was rebuilt in is is. It is a handsome stone edifice, in the c .irlv Kngllah style, with a fine Norman doorway on tho south silt"-, which formed part of the ancient building. Tho chancel is richly decorated. It contains an ancient liich has been carefully preserved, and in the H.iyton Chapel are monuments of the Musgraves. Tombs of the I.twsons of Brayton Hall arc in tho church and churchyard ; and in tho latter is a pillar stone to one of the Oughtersidos. There is a commodious < belonging to tho Independents, built in 1827 ; and Na- tional anil village schools. The charities amount to about 23 10. ]XT annum. Near the village, nt Beacon Hill, is a barrov -^ which, in 1~'.H), n chert, 01 H-itl i human i- .1 the. lie ad t.c the ank!- L't'T. with silver orn and several oth' rudely sen!]. !y with crosses inclosed in circles. Tin market is held -i Hull is tho seal i -Wilfrid l.i -.n. Bart., wh.i is I si'i-;in:. ..r M'KNi>i:N. i par. in ti,.- hund. . t- I', inti wn. It lies on t! Buntingford. It is nii-ntion>-<l ii Domesday I', .k >ii i . Th<- manor has been held Icy th" M i.imilic* i,f tho Jocolyna the Cliffordii, the Frcomans, and tho Bolderoo. The iving is a ivet." in tie 7. i i ' church stands in tie- 11 There are mecnnniei ; reemans and tho Is. On tl i I lyllord, who died in the i. ii/^i of Hmry VII., are brasses of tkfl knight and his lady in the ai There is a school, endowed by Mrs. Cater in 17U1, and by tiio t'reeinans at an earlier i>eriod. which has n i C17. An almshouso 1 and endowed in 1884 jy Dr. Seth Ward, bi-h"p of Salisbury, wlv-i- parents are interred in the churchyard of Asp< de-i Hall is the principal scat. ASI'l.F.V.atii -hp in the I>ar. of EC. -I. shall, and hund. bill, in the co. ..f Stafford, 3 miles fie loll. The London and North Western railway pasHH A -s 1'LE Y, Warwickshire. Sec APSLEY. A^l'l ! ST-Q1 ISE, a par. in tho hund. of Manshsjfl in the co. of Bedford, 2 miles to the N. of Woburn, it* post town. It is situated in a hilly and pleasant country m the bordiBrs of Buckinghamshire. Fuller'- earth was formerly obtained her..; but the has b^H been disused, and is now adorned with fine trees. TlH living is a reel.* in tho dioc. of Ely, val. .'!->, in I patron, of tho Duke of Bedford. The church catod to St. Botolph. There is an altar ic.mlc in tkfl chancel with tho figure of a knight, and a brass of of the Guises, to whe .in tlm manor belonged, and who had their scat h. y Wood, which is the perty of the Duke of B. 'he finr" 1 of woodland now in England. As] ASPS. Til I'., a vil. ill the 1 hunds. of Kington and Knightlow, in the co. of W wick. 1 mile from Warwick. ASPULL, n tnshp. in the par. ofWij.-di. hund. < Salford, in the co. palatine of IJIIK N.i:. e.f Wigan. Tho population are n th* cotton manufactories ana tho collieri. is a small educational endowment. ASQUITH, Yorkshire. See ASKW int. ASSELBY, a tnshp. in tin vde n, and of Howdenshire, in the East Hiding of t 2 miles to tho W. of Howden. It lies on the north i of the river Ouse, not far from the Hull rail-" ASSENDON, or UPPEK AsSKNUoN. n' limit, j tho par. of Pirton and hund. of tho same name, in co. of Oxford, 3 miles to the- N.W. ..f 11. Thame II is an almshouse, founded in tho n James I. by Sir Francis Stonor, and t ]>er annum. In this hamlet is a spring which flow after i 'her. SSE1(I!Y, a hmlt. in the par. of Bilsby and hn Calceworth. I .indse-y, in the co. oi . fol-ll. ASSKV. or ATHSKV, a par. in tho bar. of ] Deece, in the OO. '.f -Mc-ith, prov. of Leii.ste r, Ir 4 miles to the .S. of Nuvan. It is situated i- em tho river B..yii< . The living is a r 1., with the- r-ct. of Balsoon, 116,1 f the crown. The church is in il- ASSlNti'I i IN. n par. in the hnnd. of Bitbergh,' int co. of Snflolk, .") miles te. the- S. 1 '.. of Siielbiii- town, and 4 N.E. of Bares. It is watered b-. of the river St.ciir. Tho living is a vie.* in tl !i, val. C I IS, with ')! acres of glebe, in t! i Million, Ksi|., te> whom the manor li 1, i hurch, which JK.SS. -sr, s n brass of 1 l.'iO, with iigur a knight and his lady, is dedicated t St. Eilinunil. .cit.-d, in IV,;. fe r the- yearly modo ir, and of Oiill ~n.. f ' the impropriator. There is a small be-ipi.->(, by <MH -.1 r the support of sc tem Hall i< an ancient mansion, surrounded park of (H) V NT, a par. of 90 miles in circumfe-n-nce, in I CO. of Sutherland, Scotland, lying on tho C' Minth, between Loch Aidvar and Kyle' Scow on the 1