Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/912

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I', AM> KYKKl.lY f>02 BLTON, built in tho reign of Henry VIII., and i.mim- muits of tin- iiell family. Tho Primitive Mcti, n endow. (1 flee del 1. . AMI KYKKU.V, a hund. in tho K. div. of ills. It ilieludi"i tin- pars, nt' Colliligb'iurile- -. eiley, Kittleton, Fyticld, Ham, I Bin to wood, Wroughton, and parts 'it Collingbouun -K mgston, and Overtoil, comprising an ret. -VICK, a tnshp. in tin: i>ar. of St. John, Ncw- . V. iliv. i.l Castle waul, BO. Northumberland, I milt- V. of Newcastle. It is situated on ti. I/unit of the Tync, and was JMirt of llic d. nn-in oi '1'ym - iiioutli 1'riory. Coals v, en- olitained here as far hack as tin i:>Ui century, and now, together with the i|uarrii.-, lead and ooppenu worica, give (mplorment to tin- | "J'lir illage contains many gix>d houses and . inanu. ilarly a tower for coating shot, 17.1 I'ei-t high, elected in 179(J. The lixinu i- a p. ciir. * in the dice, of Durham, vol. 258, in the jwtron. uf the ciown and bishop alternately. The chin lid t<i M. I'.ilil. Ki-wick Hall is t!" nee. At Quarry-field good building stone is ex- . ely quarried. EL8W1CK, .1 tnshp. in the par. of St. Micha. Wyrc, hund. of Amounderncss, co. palatine of Ian. 1 miles S.K. of I'oiilton-in-the-Fylde, and 6 N. of Kirk- ham. Klswick Lodge is the principal residence. 1.I.SWOUTH, a par. in the hund. nt Papworth, co. ( 'ambridgc, 5 miles N.E. of Caxton, and 1(1 N.W. ! Cambridge. St. Ives is its post town, and tho Oflbrd station on tho Great Northern line is about 7 miles to the ". I't'thu village. Tlic livin:; i- a reel.* in the dioc. of Kly, val. 1SO. The church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, is a handsome structure, with a lofty tow pii.nac 1. *. The register commences in 1540. Tin ehial charities produce about 60 per annum, .').' of which is auendowment for Franklin's nlmshouscs. Jl.rc is a chapel belonging to the Particular Baptists, and a nal school lor both sexes, also an Infant school. Philip (Gardner, Esq., is lord of the manor. KLTHAM. a par. in the hund. i ah, Sutton- at-Ilone lathe, co. Kent, 2 miles S. of Woolwich, and 8 S.K of London, of which it is a suburb. It is situated on the mad fn.m London to S. of Shooter's Hill, which is included in tin- par., and tho ext. par. hmlt. of Mottin^ham joins i! to the S.of Klthain church. The nearest railway station is Lewisham, on the Ninth Kent line, about 2 miles W. of the town. Tin formerly a market town, and is of ancient date. In the sifay Survey it is called Alteliam ; and a palace wan built here about the l'2th century, which v occasional abode of royalty from the time of Henry 111. to tho reign of Queen .Mary. Kdward li. had bom here, nnd in the reign of Edward III. parliaments were held. Kltham is within the Metropolitan district, and jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court. Th- town is dean, well paved, and lighted wit;. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of London, val. The church is a plain ulilice .1. dicated to St. John the Itaptist.and contains monument- "t :h.- Shaw family. In 'ii Home ; Si.- William <, Halt. ; and lloggett, the comedian, win id hadgc is annually contended for on the August by six young watermen of tli Thames. Christ Chun-h, a modern Mrin-ture in the ish style, is a district church at SI. lliiL The cliarital'le endowments of the p;n ]>er annum, the principal of which are Fancy's almhous ; >, l'hi]],..i -JI. Tin liid. p. !..!> ntsand V'^]r,inv liave i-ai I: nd llnre is a National 'oy and girls; also an infai arc . - ot the ani ii nt ]l:i.e, consisting for the ill>. ) ai-tsot,, .ind iind- r^i-oiind passages. Kltham 1'ark and KHIiam I LTHOHNE, . Hie r, ulidivi..i in part of tin N". l.y the i .. ot lleltioi.l, K. liy thfl liund. ot (lore, S. by the Jan. W. liy tho co. of lluck tho para, ol Cowley,

oid, Hanw.-ll, II u. !i. '. i, lla'r-

i-woith, Haves, Hillii, ham, Northolt, l'n'i.ii'1. l'iiria!e, and liui.siip, I'.I.TISI.I in the hund. of Longstow, Camliridgi 1 , '^ mile.-. X.W. ot Caxtoii, it- ., and Mot's, the i. ition. I'revious to the NOII: -i l hi ie was a nuniieiy here, with which is eounoctod a traditionary account of a Scottish princess, Fandiai, within its precincts. The M n tin- road from Cambridge to Oxford. Tin li-. in_r i- a dioc. of Kly, val. .il. Th. - and Pinnitiv.' Methodists a place of worship. church on tie- S. side wax a famous well, still - iiidiania's AVell, but now lillwl up with rubbish. ELTON, a par. in the S.W. div. ot - CO. palatine of Durham, .'i mile* S.W. Tees, its post town, and 8 N.E. of Darling road between the two towns pane* through tin i which consists of a few farmhouses. The livin; rect. in the dioc. of Durham, val. 170. The is a small stone structure recently erected, with lnuni K. window. Klton Hall is the prim ipal residence. Kl. T( IN, a par. in tin the wq>. of Bingham, CO. Nottingham, -1 miles S.K. of Ifmghai and 10 N.W. of (ii.mtham. It r the ham canal. Tho road between t i^h tin- illai:.-. The livin .* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. '286. 'I ancient structure dedicated to St. Mi. h back a great number of small silver coins of ; Hi-nry II. wi-n- found ill the churchyard. i I or tho lielvoir bounds. '. K. x lord of the in KL'I'oN, a par. in tho hund Huntingdon, .1 n: s S.W. ol : .jh. It is .'. border of tho CO., on the river N in, and 1 mil> Klton station on the London and North-Western rail- way. The tithes were commuted for land un<!< Km Insure Act in 1807. The living is a red.* in tin- dioc. of Kly, val. 1"N, in College, Oxford. The church U a ha- with stained-glass windows. Jt I. There is a chapel belonging to the The rhariii of Cooper's almshouscs, with an income of 160 i . and a scln , with ! iwment of about 40 per anunm. Th schools for girls and infants. Karl ' whose seat is Klton Hall, is lord i/f the manor. i i IN, a small place in tin N.I-;, of llungerford. Tho rivi r Ki-nm I it. KI.ToX, a tn.slip. in the par. ol l'.ui, lin ford, co. iKilatin- i-ter, 1 mi.- which it n idcnd a suburb. It '. tin- Yorkshire and Lancaahin nilw.iy, ai two ] the tow nship. 1 i largely manufactuied. living is a perpet. cur. in ' Mainhcster, val. .t-Mu, in ti church i.s a line in archil. old to All Saints. Tlnn- is a National 6< >ol. K|.T( IN, a ch]iliy. in the par. o: . hund. of Will, ,1 mile N . of Win It is t-iti. . baso o! .Moulilii.U-e lliil. Kead anil small <|uantit iion-ore are I'.. und her.-. Tin- living is a pi rpet. cur.* in the dioc. of Lichticld, al. i'.iH, in ;i inhai . : .- church is a modi in on the .site of the Tin' :nd Primitive .M. !, and aim schools. Willian