Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/800

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MARYLEBONE, ST. 792 MARYPORT. church, an United Presbyterian church, a Baptist chapel, and a Congregational chapel. There are five non-paro- chial schools. The ancient name of the parish was Aberluthnott, and it was given by Cardinal Beaton in 1540 to Barclay of Mathers. The parish contains several corn-mills, five saw-mills, a flax-mill, and a spinning- mill. Hand-loom linen- weaving employs a good num- ber of the inhabitants. Balmachewan, Hattou, Inglis- maldie, Kirktonhill, and Thornton Castle, are the principal seats. There are Druidical remains at Hos- pital, Balmakillie, &c. It is said that a battle was fought between the English and Scots at Inglisburn. The parish is intersected by the Aberdeen railway. MARYLEBONE, ST., a par. and parliamentary borough in the Holborn div. of the hund. of Ossul- stone, co. Middlesex, forming the north-western portion of the metropolis, about 2J miles N.W. by W. of St. Paul's. It is intersected by the London and North- Western and Underground railways, which have several stations in the parish, and by the Regent's canal. It derives its name from the small burn, or bourne, which also gave name to Eyeburn, or Tyburn, and formerly filled reservoirs, whence London was partly supplied with water, and fell into the Thames near Vauxhull Bridge, but has its course now underground. It is bounded by Cleveland-street and the Begent's Park on the K., by the Edgware-road on the W., by Oxford- street on the S., iind by Primrose-hill and the Queen's- road on the N., and includes the new suburbs of St. John's Wood, Portland Town, &c. Though now the richest and most populous metropolitan parish, it was at no very distant period an obscure village, separated from the metropolis by open fields, the haunt of foot- pads, and where Queen Elizabeth used to hunt. It contains some of the finest squares, crescents, and man- sions in the metropolis, including Cavendish and Port- man-squares, Park-crescent and square, Manchester- square, Portland-place, the finest street in London, 100 feet wide, &c., and is inhabited by many of the first families in the empire, and likewise the Langham Hotel. Here are also the Regent's Park, laid out in 1812-18 by Mor- gan, after the designs of Nash, who built most of the terraces around ; Botanical and Zoological Gardens, Tox- ophilite Society's grounds, the Polytechnic, Colosseum, Portman Market, Lord's Cricket-ground, &c. But the necessity of a more particular description of this vicinity of the metropolis is precluded by the various information already given under article LONDON. The manor origi- nally came from the Hobson family to Henry VIII., and was given by James I. to E. Foster : it subsequently passed to the Austens, and through Holies, Duke of Newcastle, to the Harleys, earls of Oxford, then to William Bentinck, Duke of Portland, and, finally, re- verted to the crown in 1813. Under the Reform Act it constitutes, with Paddington and St. Pancras parishes, a new borough, returning two members to parliament. In 1851 it contained 40, 513 houses, inhabited by a popu- lation of 370,957, which in 1861 had increased to 47,896 houses, inhabited by 436,252 persons. The inhabitants are chiefly gentry and tradespeople, there being scarcely any manufactures. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of London, val. 1,250, in the patron, of the crown. The parish church is a spacious structure on the S. side of St. Marylebone-road, directly opposite York Gate, Regent's Park, having in front a Corinthian portico, and sur- mounted by a tower and cupola. In addition to the parish church there are the following district churches and chapels-of-ease : viz. St. John, Parish chapel ; St. James's; St. Thomas's, Portman-square; Portman chapel, Baker-street ; St. Mary's and St. Luke's, Bryanston- squaro ; Brunswick chapel, Quebec chapel, All Souls', St. Andrew's, St. Peter's, St. Paul's, All Saints', Christ Church, Christ Chapel, St. John's Wood; St. Paul's, Lisson-grove ; St. Mark's, Hamilton-terrace ; All Saints', St. John's Wood ; St. Stephen's, Portland Town ; St. Matthew's; Trinity; the livings of which are recta., curs., and porpet. curs., varying in val. from 985 to 44. There are places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, Cal- viniiitic Methodists, Baptists, and various other sects of Dissenters. At St. John's Wood are the new colleges for the education of Dissenting ministers, the parish are above 150 daily schools, including All Souls' grammar school, founded in 1832, besides infant and Sunday schools. Some of these are devoted to par- ticular objects, as the " Parochial Charity School," which has an income of near 2,000, and educates young girlt for domestic service. The Clergy Orphan School, foi the maintenance and education of 140 children, sup- ported by subscription ; the Blind School, at St. John's Wood, for the maintenance of 50 ; the Bentinck School, Eoman Catholic School, Philological School, founded in 1792, for the free education of the sons of reduced pe sons, &c. The charities are extremely numerous, i eluding the Middlesex Hospital, originally founded 1745, and recently enlarged, with an income of 9,000. Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, founded in 1752, and removed from Bayswater in 1810; Charlotte-street General Lying-in Dispensary, founded in 1778; Provi- dent Dispensary ; Asylum for Recovery of Health, founded in 1821 ; General Dispensary in Lisson-grovo, founded in 1785 ; and the Marylebone Almshouses for 63 aged or infirm persons. The cemetery near the church is closed, but there is a cemetery in the Harrow- road, where Hugh Little-John, Sir Walter Scott's grandson, is buried ; and an extensive parochial ceme- tery at Finchley, opened in 1860, under the Extra Mural Interment Act. Many places in this parish are con- nected with literature and the drama. In Great Port- land-street Boswell resided when he wrote his " Life of Johnson." Gibbon wrote part of his, "Decline and Fall of the Eoman Empire" in Bentinck-street. Sheridan wrote the "Rivals" in Orchard-street; Grattun and Mrs. Siddons died in Baker-street ; Von Weber in Great Portland-street ; Sir William Chambers, Opie, and Fu- seli resided in Berners-street ; Lady Mary Montague, Dr. Baillie, Romney and Shce, the painters, resided in Cavendish-square ; besides numerous other celebrities. Marylebone is the seat of a Superintendent Registry and a new County Court, but the part of the parish lying E. of Regent's Park belongs to Bloomsbury new County Court. The hay and straw mart was removed to Port- man Market, in this parish, from Piccadilly in 1830, under authority of an Act of Parliament. MARYPORT, a chplry., seaport, and market town in the par. of Cross-Canonby, ward of Allerdale-below- Derwent, co. Cumberland, 5 miles E. of Workington, and 7 N.W. of Cockermouth. It is a station on the Maryport and Carlisle railway, which communicates between the eastern and western coasts and the North and Irish seas. Maryport is situated on an eminence at the river Ellen's mouth. Previous to 1750 it was but a poor fishing village called Ellen-foot, but is now an extensive and thriving coal port, and of lute years has been rising into commercial importance. The streets are spacious but irregularly built, partly on the sea-shore and partly on the cliff. In 1838 it obtained the privilege of registering vessels, hitherto having been under the port of White- haven. The harbour has since been considerably cn- alrged and has easy access, the depth of water averaging 18 feet at spring tides and 12 feet at neap tides. '1 i is a wooden pier extending between 700 and 800 feet into the sea, on which a lighthouse has been erected. In the vicinity are extensive coal mines and quarries of limestone and red freestone, giving employment to a large number of hands. Many of the inhabitants are employed in the herring fisheries, which are very pro- ductive. Shipbuilding is carried on to a large extent, there being several building yards and two patent slips, in which vessels of considerable burdens are constructed, chiefly for the coasting and foreign trades. In the town are also factories for cotton and linen checks, sail cloth, cables, anchors, iron and brass foundries, flour-mills, steam saw-mills, a brewery, tanneries, and coarse earthenware. A brisk import trade is carried on in timber and flax from America and the Baltic. The town is governed by twelve trustees, regulated by the Act of Parliament passed in the reign of William IV.