Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/94

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GARVESTONE. 8fi GATESHEAD. of the same name iu co. Donegal, Ireland, lying to the E. of Malm Head. GARVESTONE, a par. in the hund. of Mitford, co. Norfolk, 3 miles N. of Hingham, and 5 S.E. of East Dereham. Attleborough is its post town. The Thuxton station, on the "Wymondham and Dereham branch of the Great Eastern line, is a short distance S.E. of the vil., which is small. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 230. The church is an ancient edifice dedicated to St. Margaret, with a square embattled tower. It contains some old stained glass and a very old font. The charitable endowments of the parish produce about 40 per annum. In the village is a National school. GARVIEMORE INN, co. Inverness, Scotland, 14 miles S.E. from Fort Augustus, on the road from thence to Perth. It stands at the head stream of the river Spey, and is the spot where Charles Stuart encamped in 1745, when Cope retreated before him. GARVOCK, a par. in the co. Kincardine, Scotland, 5 miles W. of Bervie. Laurencetown is its post town. It is situated near the rise of the Grampian hills, and is 8 miles long by 4 wide. The surface mounts up into considerable elevations on all its sides. The Hill of Garvock is the principal summit, and the Bervie Water the principal stream. About two-thirds of the parish are cultivated, and there is a small area of plantation. This par. is in the presb. of Fordoun and synod of Angus and Mearns, in the patron, of the crown. The minister has a stipend of 178. The church was built in 1778. Here are a parish and private schools, and a library. The whole of this parish is alleged to have been a hunting- forest, and there are traces of a dyke called the Deer Dyke. There are Druidical remains on the Garvock Hill. GARWAY, a par. in the lower div. of the hund. of Wormelow, co. Hereford, 7 miles N.W. of Monmouth, its post town, and 12 S. of Hereford. The Pontrilas station, on the Hereford and Abergavenny branch of the West Midland line of railway, is 5 miles to the N.W. of the village. Garway is situated on the river Monnow, and contains the hmlt. of Broad Oak. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 81. The church is an ancient stone structure with square tower, and has a fine Saracenic arch, said to have been built by the Knights Templars. The parochial charities pro- duce nearly 60 per annum, the principal of which is Scudamore's, for the assistance of poor widows, and for apprenticing children. The Baptists have a chapel, and there is a National school for both sexes, also one belonging to the Baptists. Lord Southwell is lord of the manor. Garway Court is the principal residence. GARWICK, a hmlt. in the par. of Heckington, co. Lincoln, 5 miles S.E. of Sleaford. GASK. See FINDOGASK, co. Perth. GASKERE ISLET, one of the Western Islands, Scot- land, 3 miles S.W. of Scarpa. It lies on the S.W. side of Lewis, and swarms with seafowl. GASKINANE SOUND, between Cape Clear, co. Cork, Ireland, and the Sherkin Islands. It has 12 to 26 fathoms water, and two rocks in the midst. GASPER, a hmlt. in the par. of Stourton, hund. of Norton Ferris, co. Somerset, 5 miles N.E. of Wiucanton, and 6 E. of the railway station at Bruton. The Roman Catholics have a chapel near here. GASSTOWN, a vil. in the par. of St. Michael's, co. Dumfries, Scotland, 2 miles S.W. of Dumfries. GASTHORPE, a par. in the hund. of Guiltcross, co. Norfolk, 4 miles S. of East Harling, its post town, and 7 S.E. of Thetford. It is situated on the river Waveney, near the borders of Suffolk. The nearest railway station is Harling-road on the Great Eastern line. There is no village only a few farmhouses and the land is chiefly arable. The living is a rect. annexed to that of Riddles- worth, in the dioc. of Norwich. The church is in ruins. Thomas Thornhill, Esq., is lord of the manor. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge. GATACRE, a tnshp. in the par. of Claverley, co. Salop, 5 miles S.E. of Bridgnorth. GATCOMBE, a par. in the lib. of West Med Isle of Wight, co. Hants, 3 miles S. of Newport, Hi post town. It includes the hmlt. of Chillerton. Tl village is very small. Stone of excellent quality fo: building is quarried. The living is a rect.* in the dioc of Winchester, val. 646, in the patron, of Oxford Uni- versity, in trust for the Principal of St. Edmund's Hall. The church is an ancient structure dedicated to St. Olave, with square embattled tower crowned with pinnacles. It contains a curious monumental effigy in wood. The charities produce about 9 per annum. The Wesleyans have a chapel at Chillerton. Gatcombe House is the principal residence. GATCOMBE, a tythg. in the par. of Shorwell, lib. of West Medina, Isle of Wight, co. Hants, 4 miles from Newport. There are several other small places of this name one near Totnes, co. Devon ; another near Berke- ley, co. Gloucester ; and a third near Portsmouth, co. Hants. GATEFORD, a tnshp. in the par. of Worksop, hund. of Bassetlaw, co. Nottingham, 2 miles N.W. of Worksop, its post town. It is situated in the vicinity of the Ches- terfield canal, and includes the hmlt. of Claylands. Prospect Hill is an eminence nearly 300 feet in height. There is a day school. Gateford Hall is the principal residence. GATEFORTH, a tnshp. and chplry. in the par. of Brayton, lower div. of the wnp. of Barkstone Ash, West Riding co. York, 4 miles S.W. of Selby, its post town. A church was erected here in 1825, the living of which is a cur. in the dioc. of York, val. 105. There is a day school for the children of the township. Gateforth Common is a meet for the Bramham Moor hunt. Gate- forth Hall is the principal residence. GATE, FULFORD. See FULFOKD GATE, East Riding co. York. GATE, HELMSLEY. See HELMSUSY GATE, North Riding co. York. GATEHOUSE-OF-FLEET, a post and market town, and a burgh of barony in the pars, of Anworth and Girthon, co. Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 8 miles from Kirkcudbright, and 105 from Edinburgh. It is situated on the river Fleet, which is here spanned by a fine stone bridge. The town consists of well-built houses. It is one of the chief seats of trade in the district of Gallo- way, a subport to Dumfries, and a burgh of barony, chartered in 1795. The principal import trade is in coal and lime, the export in grain. Here are manufac- tories for cotton, soap, and bricks, a brewery, and a tanyard. In the town stand the parish church, Free and United Presbyterian churches, and an Episcopal chapel. The town likewise contains a branch bank, a savings- bank, news-rooms, telegraph office, schools, and benefit societies. Ga'tehouse was founded in 1760 ; and ia governed by a provost, 2 bailies, and 4 councillors. A justice of peace and small-debt court as jheld every month. Saturday is market day. A fair is held on the first Monday in June (old style), and a cattle market on the first Friday in November and December. GATELY, a par. in the hund. of Launditch, co. Nor- folk, 4 miles S.E. of Fakenham, and 7 N.W. of East Dereham. It is situated on a tributary of the river Wensum. The Ryburgh station on the Wells branch of the Great Eastern railway is about 2 miles N.E. of the village, which is small. The living is a vie. annexed to the rect. of Brisley, in the dioc. of Norwich. The church, dedicated to St. Helen, has a square embattled tower. The register commences in 1682. There are small cha- rities oif about 2 per annum. Here is a village school. Lord Sondes is lord of the manor. GATENBY, a tnshp. in the par. of Burneston, wap. of Hallikeld, North Riding co. York, 4 miles E. of Be- dale, and a short distance from the Leeming Lane rail- way station. GATERLEY, HIGH and LOW, hmlts. in the tnshp. of Moulton, North Riding co. York, 4 miles N.E. of Richmond. GATESEND. See TATTERSETT, Norfolk. GATESHEAD, a par., market town, municipal and