Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/1015

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OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. 95 Arm, ['0 . No.01 Acres. :3: $121431: Pu"- co‘lw- A"... 18611,. Union. 1.534 207 320 1,807 222 510 1,136 136 441 5,500 462 533 313 223 116 2,514 1:30 590 2.813 430 123 2,639 491 1'9” ‘63 207 5,102 475 1’31: 33: 2(4); 3,051 473 904 92 217 5,845 1,742 331 My 43?? :23 :33 {£32 22‘} 23‘} M3 leum . York ,. _ name'ryp... Dorset 1,131 235 275 2,752 g 154 Women-111.01. Comwpll 1,545 311 7,291 1,222 m Marb . . Cheslnre 3,638 779 1,39: "3 2" Mar 111. f. Climb. 3,000 191 Mnflhw p... ,82 23“ 532 Man-hem. Comb. 19,141 6,455 191 M3rake-by-Rgdcar,p... 4, a , Muchm p... Berks 4,940 1,111 123 Mnnke—by-mchmond,p. {3111;1- g,% men . ... Mammogczn’ human: 11;. Oxon 1:212 452 151 Mal-011117101. p ......... .. Harman, p. Hereford 1,433 Hardwood, och-d. M21533, tug: gghglfie 1,045 g3? Mmtoninigott, p. . Somerset 2,233 379 321 Mnraton-glpon-Dove, p. . 112mg 4,33 1,211 815 Mmton- eet, . ...... .. . uc Manama St. Lagrance, p. . NON-11mp- 1,230 535 164 Mouton, Lo York 4,281 588 6141 Somerset 1,068 3'19 276 Willa 1,210 215 340 Derby 2,411 405 874 Beds 4,171 1,270 131 Mantel], North, . .. Bu_clu 1,910 614 152 mgon-gz-Potteme, tg. MK 256 Mars on- nor-3,11 , Munon-Sioca, . Gloucea. 1530 371 404 F Will! .'.. 310 250 Northmp. 1,040 219 409 Hereford 809 142 347 ucka - 519 147 Surrey 1,070 163 42 Cheshire 1,733 253 454 Cheshire 525 454 Norfolk 2,614 1,092 229 Lincoln 73.4 56 429 Lincoln _, 909 428 Wine __ 574 103 h Cornwall 2,003 1,497 303 Gueruse 1,799 2,000 ' Herero 2,310 1,451 348 Jersey 2,455 3,553 Pemb. 1,055 2,120 592 8910p 5,314 2.351 301 Wine 1,335 2.991 264 m \Vorcel- 1,392 5.601 381 14,-“! m "if; York 750 4.413 513 mt: "y’ °° Worces. 1,592 5,501 381 ‘ 4m ' Devon 207 282 ' Cheshire m 694 459 MW Isles 135 312 Dorset 4,373 617 213 ‘ Essex 994 204 Kent 4327 199 65 Leices- .. 2,773 417 Lincoln 8.232 428 Noflhmp- 2,170 1,505 421 Mm. 1., p. .... .. Oxon 371 153 I Mal-11mg!" -1n-81:1eneagc,p. $21;le 2,339 4615?, :11): - e', . mam? €11.....3.E'.... Weetml- 8,060 174 574 Mnrfin-ln-lhe-Fields, 81., p. Mddlx- 305 22,639 5 Martinhoo, p. .......... .. Devon 2,549 219 295 Mnrtin-Huuingtree, p. “mics!- 903 (1x133 3113s Mmmmnn-Ifl‘: e’tstqsfi' $011: I 1'721 515 - c e e, ..p. , 111mm, 51., If: .......... .. menu: 733 208 Martin’s, SL, and Cnmbus-k Peru, 9“ ml ... ....... e- I 112511.552 p. Rutland 533 3 419 MM ' Sufiblk 2,709 465 223 Pemb- 3.551 703 590 .Worcea. 5.124 1.298 386 Somerset 7,502 3,155 319 York 3,375 587 5:12 York 2,793 253 489 Lincoln 1,310 431 434 Warwick 910 410 401 Che-111m ,, 639 450 Yorl‘: 950 11'; :22? Mam, - ' Yor 2 7o 6 mfffiféfitéfin, 5. York If“ 4“ 492“ Manon Great, 1:. Limo. 5,452 1,258 483 Mam": Lime 11 Lane. 433 483 ' ' ' w 3,200 762 57a 328 808 1,314 205 491 1,947 299 433 3,391 459 1,074 259 109 5,390 1,000 295 3,011 241 51:1 6 :1

VOL. 111.