Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/807

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WHELFORD. 795 WHICKIIAM. rebuilt hi 1?89 with the exception of the tower. The Wesleyans and New Connexion Methodists have each a chapel, and there is a reading-room, supported by Lord Wenlock. There are National and infant schools. The local charities produce about 40 per annum. Roman coins of the Lower Empire have been found here. WHELFORD, a hmlt. in the par. of Kempsford, co. Gloucester, 2 miles S.E. of Fairtbrd, in the vale of the Colne. WHELNETHAM, GREAT and LITTLE, two adjoining pars, in the hund. of Thedwestry, co. Suffolk, 3 miles S.E. of Bury St. Edmund's. There appears to have been a Roman colony, from the number of anti- quities which have been dug up, and at Great Whelne- thain was a priory of Crouched Friars, subordinate to the principal house of that order near the Tower of London. The village of Sicklesinere is situated on the borders of these two parishes. The livings are both reels.* in the dioc. of Ely, the former val. 405, and the latter 155. There is a parochial school for both sexes. A pleasure fair is held on Whit Monday. The Marquis of Bristol is lord of the manor. WHELPINGTON, KIRK. See KIIIKWHELPINGTOX, co. Northumberland. WHELPINGTON, WEST, a tnshp. in the par. of Kirkwhelpington, co. Northumberland, 8 miles E. of Bellingham, and 15 W. of Morpeth. It is situated in the vale of the Wanbeck, and contains Horn's Castlo, known as Whelpingtoa Tower, now converted into a farmhouse. "WHELPLEY, a tythg. in the par. of Whitcparish, co. Wilts, 9 S.E. of Salisbury. WHELSAY, one of the Shetland Isles, coast of Scotland, 5 miles S.E. of the Out Skerries, and 3 E. of Mainland. It was formerly a parish, but is now joined to Nesting. WHENBY, a par. in the wap. of Bulmer, North Riding co. York, 7 miles E. of Easingwold, 2 S.E. of Bransby, and 5 from the Flaxton station on the York and Scarborough railway. About two-thirds of the land are arable, and the remainder meadow and pasture. The soil is a strong loam, alternated with clay. The par. includes the hmlt. of Foulrico. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of York, val. 120. The church is dedicated to St. Martin. There is a parochial school. The local charities produce about 1 per annum. W. Garforth, Esq., is lord of the manor and sole landowner. WHEPSTEAD, a par. in the huml. of Thingoe, co. Sufl'olk, 4 miles S.W. of Bury St. Edmund's. The village formerly belonged to Bury Abbey, but at the Dissolution was given to the Drury family, and subse- quently passed to General Sir Thomas Hammond, of Plumpton House. The par. includes the limits, of Mickley Green, Melon Green, mid Stone Cross Green. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Ely, val. 470. The church has a painted E. window. The register com- mences with the year 1538. There is a school, founded and endowed by Thomas Sparke in 1721. The local charities, including the school endowment and 40 from the church estate, produce about 80 per annum. Sir W. Foster is lord of the manor. WHERNSIDE, several mountains, West Riding co. York. The highest summit of this name, which lies about 5 miles to the S.E. of Dent, attains an altitude of 2,385 feet above sea-level. WHERSTEAD, a par. in the hund. of Samford, co. Suffolk, 2 miles S. of Ipswich. The village is situated on the river Orwell. The living is vie. in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 160, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. The register commences in 1590. The principal residence is Wher- stead Lodge, the seat of Lady Harland, who is lady of the manor and chief landowner. WHKRWELL, a hund. in two divs., Lower and Upper, in the Andover div. of co. Hants ; the Lower com- ! uses the pars, of Chilbolton, Clatford, Goodworth, Wherwell, and part of Abbot's Ann ; and the Upper the pars, of Bullington and Longparish, comprising 17,850 acres. TOL. rn. "WHERVVELL, a par. in the hund. of the same name, co. Hants, 3i miles S.E. of Andover, and 5 N.E. of Stockbridge. The pur., which includes the tythgs. of Fullerton and Westover, is intersected by the small rivers Test and Ande or Anton, which last falls into tho Rcdbridge and Andover canal. There are some traces of a Benedictine nunnery, founded and amply endowed by Queen Elfrida in 986, in expiation of the murder of Edward the Martyr, an event commemorated by tho stone cross in Wherwcll Wood. Its revenue at the time of the Dissolution was returned at ,403 12s. I0d., and the site given to the Wests. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Winchester, val. with those of Bullington and Tufton annexe !, o01. The church of the Holy Cross is old. There is a chapel for Wcsloyans, and a village school. A fair is held on the 21th .September for sheep. WIIESSOE, a tnshp. and chplry. in the par. of Haughton-lc-Skernc, S. div. of Darlington ward, co. Durham, 2 miles N.W. of Darlington. Tho Stockton and Darlington railway passes through the tnshp. WHESTON, a hmlt. in tho par. of Tidcswell, hund. of High Pealc, co. Derby, 1 mile W. of Tideswell. WHETHAM, a tythg. in tho par. of Calnc, co. Wilts. WHETLEY, a hmlt. in tho tnshp. of Manningham, par. of Bradford, West Riding co. bTork, 1J niile N.W. of Bradford. WHETSTONE, a limit, and chplry. in tho pars, of Fryern Barnet and Finchley, co. Middlesex, 2 miles S. of Barnet, 8^ N.W. of London, and 2 from Colney Hatch station on tho Great Northern railway. The village is situated on the high road to St. Alban's, and within the N. metropolitan postal district. The living is a porpet. cur in tho dioo. of London, val. 170, in tho patron, of the bishop. The church is dedicated to St. John. Tho Independents have a chapel. There are National and infant schools. WHETSTONE, a par. in tho hund. of Gnthlaxton, co. Leicester, 5 miles S.W. of Leicester, and 2^ W. of the Countcssthorpo station on the Midland Counties rail- way. The parish is bounded on the N.W. by tho river Soar, and is crossed by the ancient Fossoway. The surface is generally level, and the soil a mixture of clay and sand. There are kilns for brick and tile making. The living is a cur. united to the vb. of Endnrby. The church is dedicated to St. Matthew. The Independents and General Baptists have each a chapel. There are National and two Sunday schools. The Earl of Stam- ford and Warrington is lord of the manor. WHETTALL, a tnshp. in the par. of Ellesmere, co. Salop, 3 miles S.E. of Ellesmere. It is joined with Ken wick. WHICHAM, a par. in the ward of Allerdale-above- Derwent, co. Cumberland, 9 miles S.E. of Ravcnglass. The parish stretches between the rirer Dudderi and tho sea-coast. The surface is mountainous, and tho sub- stratum contains iron ore, which is worked. Nearly two- thirds of the land are in common and waste. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Chester, val. 250. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. At Churchgate, in this parish, is a grammar school, founded by Queen Elizabeth, and supported by grant of 10 per annum out of tho ex- chequer. WHICTIBUKY. See WHITSBUIIY, cos. Wilts and Hants. WHICHFORD, a par. in tho hund. of Kineton, so. Warwick, 6 miles S.E. of Shipston-on-Stour. It com- prises the tnshp. of Stourton and the hmlts. of Ascott and Whichford. The living is a rect. in tho dioc. of Worcester, val. 625. Tho church is dedicated to St. Michael. There are two National schools and a Sunday- school. William Timms, Esq., is lord of the manor. The charities comprise seven poors' cottages. WHICHWOOD, or WYCHWOOD FOREST, in the hund. of Bampton, co. Oxford, 3J miles N.W. of Witney. It is watered by tho river Windrush, and contains fine oak, ash, and beech timber. WHICKIIAM, a par. in the W. div. of Chester ward, PO. Durham, 3J miles S.W. of Gateshead, and 6 S.W. of Newcastle. It is situated near the junction of the river 5 E