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Spontaneous Thought Transference

disastrous had happened in an Edinburgh flat. In one case the impression was sufficiently strong to induce a neighbour to leave his work and call to make enquiries. He found that the maid-servant had just been killed by an accident.[1]

There are one or two cases, resting on good evidence, which suggest the possibility of communication between the animal and the human intelligence. Thus Lady Carbery writes that one Sunday, having paid her usual visit after lunch to a favourite mare, she had returned to the garden a quarter of a mile distant, and sat herself down to read. Twenty minutes later, feeling an uncomfortable sensation that something was amiss with "Kitty," she returned to the stable, and found her "cast" and in need of help.[2]

In the following case the impression, though not referred to any particular sense, was of a much more definite character than those last cited:

No. 13. From Mr. J. F. Young

New Road, Llanelly, March 9. 1891.

The following account of a presentiment I recently had may be interesting to you.

I was having my supper on the evening of February 15th last, when a message came from a customer requiring my services. I sent back a reply that I would come immediately I had my supper. It has always been a strong point with me to keep my appointments, and therefore, having hastily finished my meal, I was in the act of leaving the table when I suddenly exclaimed, "There!!! I have just had an intima-
  1. The case is given in full in Journal, S. P. R., June, 1895.
  2. Journal, S. P. R., February, 1905.