Page:The Necessity and Value of Theme in the Photoplay (1920).pdf/22

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But it is not always so with the dramatist of the stage, nor of the screen. The screen, particularly, traveling on the strong wings of a new art, broader far in scope than that of any other form of entertainment the world has ever known, demands exuberance of thought, daring departure from the thumb-worn rule book of the older arts. It is pioneering, and pioneering is one of the giant industries, as well as the newest art, of the age.

Not that the leaven of experience will be amiss. It is always needed—in anything. But youth as well as experience may tackle the photoplay writing profession confident that real talent and genuine ability will be recognized, regardless of age, experience or previous condition of servitude!

The pathway to success in the field of the photoplay is not strewn with roses, any more than the pathway to any other real achievement in this world. But the happiness, the honors and the satisfaction that comes with success are prizes that merit every bit of the best that is in those whose inclinations and talents lean in the direction of the cinema.

Jeanie Macpherson