Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/112

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He seemed not to perceive that a stranger was in the room until the goaler said to him, "Well, Father Peter, there is a gentleman who will be glad to speak to you and to your comrade."

Hearing this, he slowly lifted up his head, staring at me.

"Volkert!" exclaimed I, "Volkert!"

His looks grew wild, his head sunk back, and he heaved a deep groan; whilst I was standing before him like a statue, thrilled with horror and pity.

As soon as the goaler had left us, Volkert began with a trembling voice, "Lieutenant, are you come to embitter my last hours, or to speak comfort to my afflicted mind?"

"The latter, good Volkert," replied I.
