Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/172

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the vengeance of the civil power, in spite of your generosity, and having lost my good character for ever. On my journey I happened to come to the house where you was confined, and felt the highest satisfaction when I had it in my power to make you some atonement for the many wrongs you had suffered by me. My intention was to live here in A——, in solitude and retirement, and to dedicate the rest of my miserable life to repentance, and thus to make my peace with God: But my former lawless companions soon found out my retreat and forced me to renew my crimes, and to assist them in their infernal deeds."

"The crime for which I am confined here you very likely know: All I can say, in order to palliate this last transgression, is, that it is one of the noblest deeds I ever performed, and it would not give me the least uneasiness, if the execution of it had not brought destruction on other people beside myself."
