Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/178

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His trembling fellow sufferer was first sacrificed by the avenging hand of justice. I cast my eyes to the ground until I perceived by the murmuring noise around, that his sufferings were over. Now I directed again my melancholy looks towards the dread place of execution, and beheld Volkert undressing himself, and approaching with firmness the stool stained with the smoaking blood of his friend. Now he was seated, the sword of the executioner lifted up—now it glittered in the morning sun, ready to strike the fatal blow. I shut my eyes involuntarily—a sudden hollow humming told me that Volkert had conquered. Awful sensations thrilled my palpitating heart, and I forced my way through the gaping multitude without looking once more towards the horrid place where Volkert had expired.

At the city gate I looked back and beheld with horror a thick column of smoke ascending aloft and darkening the pure serene air;I