Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/196

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rot. I lived very sparing in order to be able to afford the expences for powder and shot. My depredations and the havoc I made in the forest, caused a great alarm, but nobody suspected me, my miserable appearance screened me, from suspicion and my name was forgotten."

"This mode of life I continued for several months without being detected. One morning I was rambling through the forest pursuing the traces of a deer. Having hunted without success two tedious hours, I began to give up every hope of coming at my prey, when I saw it at once within the reach of my gun. I took my aim and was going to fire, but started suddenly back, when I saw a hat upon the ground not far from me. I looked around with great circumspection and beheld Robert, the game-keeper, standing behind the trunk of an oak, and aiming at the same deer which I intended to kill. My blood froze"in