Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/218

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to violent means. My views went farther: I proposed to declare open war against the game, which had brought on my disgrace and ruin, and to rob the houses of the judges who had punished me so severely."

"To effect our purpose we wanted horses, The frontiers, where the dominions of my former sovereign terminated, being three miles distant. By means of house-breaking and some highway robberies we soon got possession of a sufficient sum of money, with which we dispatched one of our associates to a distant town to buy four horses, fire arms, powder and ball. The houses of the hated judges were pillaged in a tempestuous night, and whenever the face of the earth was covered with midnight darkness, we rallied forth from our den to destroy the game in those parts where my misfortunes had commenced, and I took care to let my persecutors know that it"was