Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/223

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derer and robber, have forfeited my life, and am pursued by the avenging hand of justice, I will deliver myself into the hand of the executive power—but I, at the same time, am going to lay a very strange prayer at the feet of your throne: I detest life and do not fear to die, it would however be dreadful to me to die, without having lived. I wish to live, in order to repair my crimes past, and to make my peace with human society, which I have offended. My execution will be a warning example to the world, but not atone for my wicked deeds; I hate vice, and have a strong desire to try the path of honesty and virtue; I have shewn great capacities to become a terror to the state, and I flatter myself that I yet have some abilities to render services to the country which I have injured."

"I am well aware that I supplicate for something quite uncommon: My life being forfeited, it does not become me to propose conditions to punishing justice;"however