Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/227

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The gate-keeper returned with the passport, and told me, that the bailiff understanding that I came from the seat of the war, would be glad to have half an hour's conversation with me, and to get some information of the situation of our army. This message increased my apprehension of being known, and fearing the invitation of the bailiff to be a snare to get me in his power without resistance, I clapt spurs to my horse without returning an answer."

"My sudden flight gave the signal to an universal hue and cry; a thief! a thief! exclaimed the whole multitude, pursuing me with all possible speed: The iron-hand of punishing vengeance seemed ready to grasp me, my life was at stake, and I redoubled the swiftness of my flight, goading the sides of my horse without mercy."

"My pursuers were soon far behind me, panting for breath, and liberty promised to"gladden