Page:The Negro a menace to American civilization.djvu/187

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THENEGRO 165 see if we cannot improve him by educating his hand and his heart. There must be a moral substratum upon which to build or you cannot make a desirable citizen.' " The Government also declares that the people of the Nation should demand the repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment." What is said here is undoubtedly true, but I contend, id others who have a large knowledge of the black man in America contend, that there is but one single remedy for it, and that is the separation of the two races. Here are some additional opinions of interest on this point which I clip from The New York Times of Monday, September 28, 1903, page 1, a news item that reads as follows : NEGRO COLONIZATION PLAN The President and B. T. Washington Said to Approve Scheme to Transport Families to Africa. (Special to The New York Times.) " Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 27. — Leigh S. J. Hunt, a Korean millionaire mining man and ex-resident of this state, and Booker T. Washington have joined hands in a negro colonization scheme. Details of Hunt's plans are supplied in letters recently received by his personal friends. They include the irrigation and colonization of several hundred thousand acres of land tributary to the River Nile by negroes who are to be taken from the United States. Mr. Hunt is now in Germany. In a few days, it is said, he will meet Mr. Washington in Africa, probably at Cairo, Egypt. They will there perfect plans.