Page:The Negro a menace to American civilization.djvu/248

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Proud of the Affair Everything is quiet at Paris, Tex. All who partici- pated in the horrible torture of the negro Smith Wednesday boldly proclaim the part they took in the affair and say that they have no fear of arrest. The ashes of the funeral pyre were raked over yesterday and many persons carried away buttons and bones, etc., as relics of the affair. On this subject, Senator J. J. Ingalls has said : — " No one could read the ghastly and repulsive de- tails of the recent burning of the negro in Texas, the mutilation, the thrusting of hot irons into the eyes, the aggravation of the agony, without compassionate incredulity. It was a revelation of inconceivable de- pravity. The crime of which the victim was accused was inexpiable, but the vengeance was equally infer- nal." {The Chicago Tribune, Sunday, May 28, 1893, p. 27.) As in the case of the lynching of the negro, George White, in Delaware, a year before this Texas affair, men raised their voices by the hundreds in denuncia- tion of this horrible practice. Sometimes it was done after this fashion, and if the reader will refer back to the last Note, the following from The Nezv York Times (September 22, 1903, p. 3), will be found to illustrate my meaning: — DENUNCIATION OF LYNCHERS Chief Justice Lore, of Delaware Supreme Court, Urges Grand Jury to Bring Them to Justice. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 21. — Chief Justice Lore, of the Delaware Supreme Court, today delivered a strong charge to the Grand Jury, which is considering the criminal work of the county courts. After reciting the details of the murder on June 15, of Helen Bishop