Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/306

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afflictions which we suffer from the Hanafites, [Mohammedans,] and we also related to him what we have to endure from their tyranny, and he will communicate all this to your Grace in our behalf. The above mentioned presbyter, George, underwent many hardships, and encountered many difficulties, in his way to us, first, on account of the severity of the cold and the winter, and secondly, from the enemies who surround us; but the grace of God delivered him out of every danger. And be it known unto you, that he is our agent from us to you, and we pray that the Lord may preserve you from all evil and harm. And we moreover beg, that the eye of your Grace may be directed towards us, that it may not be true of you as our Lord saith, in His teaching: 'I was in prison and ye visited Me not,' &c. for we are at present in slavery to the Hanafites. Besides, we heard from the presbyter George, how that you had offered assistance to us in money to be expended in schools for our benefit; and in this matter also, let the presbyter be the agent betwixt us. So much to your Grace.

"Written on the 17th of Shbât, in the village of Asheetha, in the year of our Lord 1843." l. s.

March 3rd.—Before starting from Asheetha, the Patriarch made me a present of some mountain-grown tobacco, and several wax tapers, which he had brought with him for his own use. We left early in the morning and in less than half an hour reached the foot of Kadoma. Two lusty Nestorians had come with me for the purpose of carrying me up the steep ascent; but all their efforts were in vain. After several tumbles I determined to proceed alone, and finally succeeded in reaching the high table-land. The snows were still on the ground, and we were obliged to trudge on foot to Amedia, where we arrived in safety the day following, after having spent a night at the small Nestorian village of Mâya in the Berwari.

March 4th.—Went this morning with Kasha Mendu, to visit the Church of Mar Abd Yeshua (vulg. Mar Audishu,) near the village of Deiri, about three miles to the east of Amedia. Our road lay over the off-shoots of the Tcah Meteenah, now covered with anemones, irises, and the other wild flowers, which decked