Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/375

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I feel fully persuaded that the sight of half a dozen Bedooeen would have made them turn their horses' heads and flee for safety to the nearest village.

May 21st.—Left the Coordish encampment at 3 a.m. and travelled in a southerly direction at the foot of the hills already described. The country now began to assume a different aspect: instead of the black volcanic stone of the Diarbekir side, we found ourselves journeying over chalk hills, in which silex was imbedded in great abundance. We had now before us another chain of low mountains running north-east by south-west, and at half-past five passed a village on a mound situated in a wellcultivated valley, overspread with a rich pasturage. Pursuing our former course we reached another Coordish village called Kara Koopri, close to a pretty stream, which we crossed by a good bridge of three arches. At 9 a.m. we entered Urfah by the Semsât gate, and soon found ourselves comfortably lodged under the hospitable roof of Mokdisi Yeshua.