Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/498

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Pa Elan, churches, priests, and families at Paghi, churches and families at . . . . Papal and Jacobite Syrians, labours among the . copies of the Scriptures supplied to the Parkhilan, families at ... . Parrashin, churches, priests, and families at Patriarch, mode of electing a . . . Patriarchal family, Romanist treatment of the co-operation of the French Consul in spoiling the succession, dispute about the • Paul IV. addressed by Elia II. . Paul Coopri, Monsignor, Roman vicar apostolic . . death of . Peishaboor, churches, priests, and families at Pekhkhen, families at . Pelte, Mohammedan village of • Perkins, Mr. Justin, the Independent American Missionary Persia, the Sophis of . . . . . Persian empire, zeal of the Eastern missionaries in the Persian Magians, the ..... " Persian Temple," remains of Ainsworth's so-called situation, description, and illustration of Pir Zalan, churches, priests, and families at Piyyos, churches, priests, and families at . Plowden, W. H. C, Esq. .... Pompey, residence of, at Samsoon Poosan, churches and families at . Pope Innocent XI. Nestorian schism effected by Pope Julius III. ..... Port William, visit to . Porte, the, designs of, in extending the powers of the Coordish Chiefs success of the stratagem in central Coordistan Presbyter Dokeek, ancient MS. by . . , Primate, letters of Mar Shimoon to the Principal design of this work Propaganda, joint letter of Monks and Latin missionaries to the Pul, son of Sardanapalus .... Py an, dangerous ascent of the .... Rabban Behnam . . . . . Rabban dad'Yeshua, churches and families at Rabban Hormuzd, lived prior to the Council of Ephesus . venerated by the Nestorians burial place of . Chaldean convent of, in 1 843 Mr. and Mrs Rich entertained at twice plundered by the Pasha of Rawandooz excesses of infidel soldiery at . monks inhumanly murdered at FAOG 398 398 285 285 399 398 6 171 171 145 146 164 164 175 395 33 180 145 143 126 204 204 398 174 360 15 398 150 145 353 262 262 81 289, 294 135 162 79 212 50 395 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102