Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/253

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R. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Prayer [in a low voice.]

I, Thy weak and sinful servant beseech Thee, O Lord the mighty God, and supplicate Thy abundant mercy in behalf of my weak and sinful estate, that Thou wouldest forgive my sins and iniquities, and accept at my frail hands this lively and holy sacrifice in my own behalf, and in behalf of this Thy people who wait for Thy salvation, that it may be effectual for the forgiveness of sins, and for health, help, and mercy. And grant that when Thy holy Body and Blood shall mingle with the bodies and souls of Thy servants, they may cleanse us from all the pollution of sin, deliver us from all evil, and from the crafts of the enemy of our race, and fill us with true faith, with the light of the knowledge of Thy providence, with the perfect love of Thy Majesty, and with the good hope of Thy grace. And now accept this pure service which is spread out before Thee, that in one place and with one heart and soul we may be fitted to fulfil Thy will in true faith and perfect love, and to ascribe glory to Thy Majesty for all Thy unspeakable benefits towards us.

And we, with the heavenly hosts, [to be repeated,] O Thou righteous Lord, God the merciful Father, will cry out and say: Holy art Thou in truth, and praised art Thou in very deed, because Thou hast made Thy earthly worshippers fit to be likened unto those who worship Thee in heaven. Holy is Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, who is with Thee from eternity, the Son of Thine essence, the Creator of all. We bless, O Lord, God the Word, the hidden Begotten One of Thy bosom, who is Thine Image, Bay, and the Likeness of Thy Self-existence; who, being Thy Likeness, Ray, and the Image of Thy Self-existence, thought it no robbery to be equal with Thee, but emptied Himself, and took upon Him the form of a servant in a perfect man, of a reasonable, intelligent, and immortal soul, and of a human and mortal body subsisting, having joined and united with Himself in one honour, dominion, and glory, the offspring of a passible body