Page:The New-Year's Bargain (1884).djvu/153

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"The Tide was cunning. Silently he prowled about, drawing nearer and nearer, till at last he fastened his teeth in the bow of the boat. Then he pulled and pulled,—very gently, so as not to alarm the children; and little by little dragged them away from the shore into the deeper water. Next he gave a shove, and floated them off completely. And then, beside himself with joy and frolic, he rushed for the beach; and, plunging and roaring, began to turn summersaults on the sand, delighted at his success. The little ones played on, unconscious.

"At last Emmy looked up, and gave a scream.

"'O Reggy!' she cried, 'the boat is running away with us! Jump out quick, and pull it in again.'

"But Reggy poked with a stick over the side, and looked sober. The water was already over his head, and getting deeper every moment.

"Then a bright thought seized him. 'Don't cry, Emmy!' he exclaimed. 'It isn't our fault, so nobody can scold; and now we'll see the