Page:The New-Year's Bargain (1884).djvu/90

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isfy. "No: of course it's not all. Baby grew up. Some one said she married the Governor. Only think, Baby marry a Governor! As for little Ruth, she didn't grow up: she went to Heaven instead; and so stayed a child for ever. Nobody knows now where her grave is, excepting me; and every year I plant May-blossoms upon it."

May's voice was a little sad, and her eyes looked sweet and tender.

"How about Algonqua?" inquired Max, who was rather ashamed of feeling affected.

"He became a great chief," said May, "and lived to be a hundred. I heard that he was buried in a mound out West, over the top of which a railroad now runs. But about that I am not sure: my business is not with the dead, but the living."

And saying this, she rose briskly up. "I meant to have done in just half an hour," she remarked, "and it is nearly an hour and a quarter. I'11 take those moments at once, if you please."