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irrigation methods in the Western States, and the progress of co-operative enterprise in England.

"And you call that a holiday trip?" exclaimed his wife, aghast, ere he had half enumerated the purposes to be served by his trip.

"A change of occupation, my dear," exclaimed the good man, "is the best restorative. You would not have me hang about the clubs and salons of London and Paris?"

Travers had taken up his abode at the bungalow that he had built on the hill overlooking the lake. He was not himself. The mysterious barrier that had arisen between Gwyneth and himself preyed upon his mind. His duties, however, he discharged with unfaltering regularity.

Mrs. Courtenay and Maud could not be left alone in the great White House. Some one must take the doctor's place.

The O'Lochlans had come over for a few days to tell of their contemplated departure from Bullaroo.

"And what are you going to do next?" asked the doctor.

"Lord knows," replies Larry. "I shall keep the few thousands I have left, until I see a good line. But I cannot be idle long. I'll be getting into mischief if I do. Run away with some other girl!" he suggested, tickling on the neck with his riding-whip his wife, who sat embroidering his initials on a saddle-cloth.

"I have it," cried the doctor. "Men always come to my hand as I want them. You'll stay here, look after the old lady, with Maud and her curate, not to mention the few thousand folk scattered down the valley and across the plains."

"Not if I know it," demurred Larry. "It would be a