Page:The New Church - What, How, Why .djvu/22

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The New Church is therefore, not a negative church, but a positive church, which has revelations of deeper, divine truth. It comes not in the spirit of opposition, but proclaiming the glad tidings of newly revealed truth that is that very Comforter "which shall lead you into all truth."

The spiritual sense of the Word once having been known, and what was known having become lost, a school of critics has arisen saying that the Word is not the Word of God, but a history of His Word. That it was written when superstition and ignorance were rife, and is consequently full of errors characteristic of the times and of the people who wrote it. The new revelation of truth shows that there is a serial, spiritual sense in the Word running through it from beginning to end. The spiritual sense is not a vague, inferential, loose meaning, but it is related by a universal law to the letter of the Word with mathematical accuracy. In fact, the spiritual sense of