Page:The New Church - What, How, Why .djvu/37

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Again, we have conceived of the natural world with its sun shining upon it as the very picture of the spiritual world with the Lord shining upon it with love and wisdom. Now think of the natural universe as the external clothing of the spiritual world and sustained by it part for part, and the basis of the law of correspondence will be laid. For the natural world and its particular forms are but material clothing of corresponding spiritual forms or forces from which they exist.

To illustrate, man has a material body in the natural world sustained by heat and light from the sun. Within the material body part for part is the soul, made of spiritual substances and perpetually bathed by the heat and light of the spiritual world, which are love and wisdom from the Lord. Yet while his body is in nature sustained by heat and light from the sun, and his soul is in the spiritual world likewise under its sun, the spiritual body is within the material body giving life and power to it