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11 October 1917]
[Supplement to The New Europe


No. 49. French Socialism.
M. Painlevé and the Socialists. By Villehardouin.
Swedish Politics. By A Neutral.
Russia’s Need for Unity. By Rurik.
Enemy Portraits: (IV) Baron Kühlmann.
Further Montenegrin Revelations.
Zimmerwald and Kientha.
French Catholics and the Papal Note.
No. 50. The Future of Zionism.
Jewry’s Stake in the War. By Josephus.
Zionist Ideals. By Albert M. Hyamson.
The Position of Armenia. By Arnold J. Toynbee.
“The Reform of Diplomacy”.
Greece and Bulgaria. By Belisarius.
Russian Revelations: Lenin Exposed.
Austro-German Intrigue in the Ukraine.
Maximilian Harden on Alsace-Lorraine and Peace.
No. 51. The Economic Weapon.
The Economic Weapon. By Atticus.
“The Freedom of the Seas”. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
Frano Supilo: A Southern Slav Patriot. By R. W. Seton-Watson.
The Next German Peace Move.
Herr Naumann on Poland.
Policy of New Hungarian Premier.
Count Tisza on Relations with Austria.
No. 52. A Belated Conversion.
Kühlmann and Czernin as Converts.
The Pact of Björkö. By Murray L. R. Beaven.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko. By August Zaleski.
Is Britain at War with Austria?. By D. Drăghicescu.
A Real Coalition in Russia. By Rurik.
Serbia’s Place in History.
