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11 October 1917]
[Supplement to The New Europe


No. 40. The Climax.
The Climax of the War.
The Austrian Muddle. By Rubicon.
“The Potsdam Figleaf”. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
Bulgaria’s “Watch on the Danube”. By Belisarius.
“A School of Foreign Affairs”. By Oscar Browning.
Mr. Venizelos on the Greco-Italian Question.
An Apostle of Italy.
“Le Pays” and Joseph Caillaux.
No. 41. Germany at the Cross-Roads.
Germany at the Cross-Roads.
Half-Gods in Hungary. By Rubicon.
The Balkan Conference.
The Building of Greater Roumania: (I). By Alexander Severus.
Germany and the Habsburg Problem. By Edvard Beneš.
Is a Separate Peace with Bulgaria possible? By A Bulgarian.
A Handbook for Diplomatists. By A. F. Whyte, M.P.
No. 42. Salve, Sonnino!
Our Italian Guest.
Recent Montenegrin History.
Lord Robert Cecil and the Case of Serbia.
The Building of Greater Roumania: (II). By Alexander Severus.
Portugal in the War. By A. G. Loraine.
Germany and the Portuguese Colonies.
Vorwarts and Dr. Michaelis
No. 43. German “Give and Take.”
The Chancellor’s “Give and Take” Peace. By Atticus.
The Queen’s Hall Meeting.
Democratic Forces in Italy. By J. C. Powell.
Unconventional Envoys. By Boreas.
The Crisis in Poland. By Varsoviensis.
Mr. Balfour’s Speech. By H. J. Mackinder, M.P.
Helsingfors and Petrograd.
Dr. Dernburg on Reconstruction.
Colonies and Submarines.
Mittelafrika”: a German Aim-War.
