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The design of this work is to give a condensed exposition of certain significant phases of the Far Eastern question since it assumed its present shape and tendency, especially in its relations to Western civilization and the interests of the United States of America.

The material was gathered in the course of several sojourns in the Far East, made during the last six years, when I visited all the localities chiefly affected by recent great events, and was at times an observer of and participant in those events. While I have exercised the privilege of using my own judgment in determining facts and weighing policies and conditions, and have endeavored to write without animus, I have, in submitting them to the test of analysis, not hesitated to face the logic of my conclusions.

To the extent that the inherent importance of its subject, rather than any merit it may have, draws attention to the book, I will be content if it shall aid in restoring, in America and elsewhere.