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The Policed Struggle Between Japan and Russia in Korea — Antecedents to the Late War — Japanese and Russian Diplomatic Methods Compared — The Ante-Bellum Negotiations — Advantage of the Japanese — Control of lieations — Intcrmption of Tdcpaph Seryiee — Mr. PaTMTa ObtoaaeM — The Breaking off of Diplo- maUe Relations — The Sttoation in Seoul — Landing of Japanese Troops — The Sitoation at Oiemul-po — Dip- lomatie Dinncn at Seoul— The Critical Momflnt . Page 60 CHAPTER V A QUESTION OF NEUTRALITY Arrival at Cbemnl-po of the Japanese Fleet — Admiral Uriu's Ultimatum — Action of Foreign Naval Commanders — The "Vicksbuic" Incident — Conduct of the Russian Naval Commander — Failure of the Neutral Intervention — Opening of the Figjbt — Destiuction of the Russian Shme — International Aspects of the Incident — Dmlo- matic Correspondence — The Russian CSiaiges — The Jap- anese Reply — The Truth About the Matter . • Page 65 CHAPTER VI JAPAN IN KOREA Assurances of Japan RespectingHer Intentions in Korea — Ante-Bellum Statements — The First Protocol — This Re- markable Instrument Examined — Usurpation of Korean Autonomy — Coercion of the Korean Emperor and Cabinet — Resort to Intimidation — The Emperor's Vain Appeals to the Foreum Ministers — Construction of Railways — The Second Protocol — Further Abolition of Korean Au- tonomy — Effects of the Japanese Occupation — Attempt at Financial Reform Page 80 CHAPTER VII JAPAN IN KOREA {CarUinwd) Effects of the Japanese Occupation upon Foreign Interests in Korea -^ Predominlmde of American' Interests -^ Prosper- ity During the War — Japanese Removal of Foreim Ad- visers — Political Pressure upon Commercial and Indus-