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from reaching the Russian officials in Korea; third, that Japan seized Russian merchant ships in neutral waters before diplomatic relations had been severed; fourth, that Japan arbitrarily assumed administrative authority in Korea in violation of the independence and neutrality of that country; fifth, that the Japanese authorities practically hustled the Russian officials in Korea out of the country.

In reply Japan admits the first charge, but asserts that she landed troops by permission of the Korean Government. Japan positively denies that she prevented telegrams from reaching Mr. Pavloff, and asserts in regard to the attack upon the Russian warships that a state of war already existed. As to the alleged seizure before the severance of diplomatic relations of Russian merchant vessels, Japan states that she had established prize courts to adjudicate such matters. It is significant that she does not deny having seized the ships. Japan denies that she notified the Korean Government that she intended to assume the administrative control of the country. Japan denies that her representative notified the Bussian Minister to leave Seoul.

Now, once more as to the facts. Japan undoubtedly did, and admits that she did land troops in Korea prior to a declaration of war, and asserts that she had Korea's permission to do so. This is a mere quibble. Korea's consent in that matter was like her consent to the present administration of her affairs by the Japanese. Moreover, the Korean officials were as much surprised at the