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Russians to leave the country. So here we find another quibble.

In the Russian rejoinder, a matter not previously dealt with is brought forward. The Russian Government asserts that on the eve of the war, at the moment of the severance of diplomatic relations, telegrams from the Russian Foreign Office to the Russian Minister in Tokyo were held by the Japanese Government from February 4 until February 7 (1904). It win be remembered that Mr. Kurino's note severing relations was presented to Russia on February 6. So just at this critical period the Russian Government claims that it was cut off from communication with its representative in Tokyo, and that this had a material bearing upon the outbreak of the war. While in Japan I investigated this matter as well as I was able. Of course, no information can be obtained from the Japanese Government, except in confirmation of the official position. But I found that a very distinct impression concerning the incident existed, and there is a very general disposition among foreigners residing in Japan to credit it. It would certainly be in harmony with Japan's actions in Korea during the same period.

So, with all the evidence I can obtain before me, I do not hesitate a moment in finding, so far as all material facts at issue in this dispute are concerned, in favor of the Russian contention, and I believe this to be the opinion of almost the entire foreign population of Korea without regard to nationality. Apologists for Japan seem to base their defence of her on three grounds. First, she did not