Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 02.djvu/774

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the theme that man is in a progressive state, the present being the outcome of a former life and a preparation for a future one to succeed after death: that the struggle between good and evil will not end with this life, but in some future era all conflicts will be ended, evil will disappear, and harmony become established. These views are set forth in The Conflict of Ages and The Concord of Ages (1860). He also published Baptism: Its Import and Mode (New York, 1850); The Papal Conspiracy Exposed (New York, 1855; Edinburgh, 1856); History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Retribution (New York, 1878). He died in Brooklyn, July 29, 1895.

BEECHER STOWE, Harriet E. See Stowe, Harriet E. B.

BEECHER, Henry Ward (1813-87). A Prot- estant pulpit orator. He was the eighth child and third son of Lyman Beecher and Roxana Foote, a granddaughter of Gen. Andrew Ward, and was born in Litchfield, Conn., June 24, 1813. He received his early education at home, and at a private school in Bethlehem, and was known as a sensitive, diffident child, his talents first showing themselves when he was about 11 years of age, in a debate with an older schoolmate over Paine's Age of Reason, young Beecher winning the vic- tory. With little aptitude for study, he had a strong desire to go to sea — a plan abandoned on his conversion, during a revival of religion, and in 1826 he entered the Boston Latin School. Completing his preparatory- course at the Mount Pleasant School, in Amherst, he entered Amherst College, graduating in 1834, having taken only fair rank in mathematics and the classics, but having displayed marked ability as a writer and debater. On graduation he studied theology under his father in Lane Seminary: was in 1837- 39 and 1839-47 pastor of Presbyterian churches in Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, Ind., and in 1847 was called to take charge of Plymouth Church, a new Congregational organization in Brooklyn, N. Y., which soon became noted on both continents for its bold advocacy of unpopu- lar reforms, such as abolition and temperance, and for the generosity and intelligence of its members. His congregation became one of the largest in America, the seating capacity of the church being nearly 3000. But it was not to this audience alone that he preached; for, as he be- lieved that all things concerning the public wel- fare are fit subjects for a minister, his opinions on all questions were eagerly read by the public at large. He disregarded the conventional methods of preparing sermons, did not always rely on notes, even; and the physical strength that enabled him to deliver several discourses in a day was scarcely less wonderful than the eloquence, dramatic power, pathos, and wit that characterized them. Fierce in his denunciations of injustice, he was, nevertheless, tender-hearted, charitable, and catholic. Though a steadfast be- liever in the divinity of Christ, his theology was not in general accord with that of the Congre- gational denomination. In 1878 he formally re- nounced his belief in the eternity of future pun- ishment. He was, perhaps, the most popular lecturer in the country, and was an unrivaled after-dinner speaker. Among his orations are that delivered at the celebration of the centen- nial anniversary of the birthday of Burns (1859) and that (by request of the Government) at Fort Sumter, April, 1865, on the anniversary of its fall.

He allied himself with the Republican Party as soon as it was formed, lent his pen and his pulpit to further its aims, and during the can- vass of 1856 traveled far and wide to speak at mass-meetings. In 1863 he visited Europe for his health, and when in Great Britain addressed vast audiences on the purposes and issues of the Civil War, speaking in one instance for three hours consecutively, and changing materially the state of public opinion. In I884 he supported heartily the Democratic candidate for President. In 1874 suit was brought against him for adul- tery by his former intimate friend, Theodore Tilton. The trial lasted six months, resulting, after fifty-two ballots, in a disagreement of the jury, nine of the twelve voting in Mr. Beecher s favor.

Mr. Beecher was a strong advocate of free trade and of woman suffrage. His last public speech was in favor of high license, at Chicker- ing Hall, New, York, February 25, 1887. He died in Brooklj-n on ilarch 8th following, and was buried in Greenwood Cemeteiy. His sum- mer home for many years previous had licen at Peekskill, on the Hudson, where he indulged his taste for fanning and horticulture. He was fond of art, gems, flowers, and animals. He was chaplain of the Thirteenth Regiment, National Guard, 1878-87.

In 1837 Mr. Beecher was connected with an anti-slavery paper in Cincinnati, and while in Indianapolis contributed to an agricultural pub- lication the papers afterwards issued as Fruit, Floicers. and Farming. On coming to Brooklyn he began, in the Independent, the series kno%vn as the "Star Papers," so called from his signa- ture ( * ) , and published in two volumes ( New York, 1855-58) : was the editor of The Inde- pendent, 1861-63, and the editor of the Christian Union, 1870-81. He contributed frequently to the New York Z-crf(7er; one series of essays, called "Thoughts As They Occur." l)eing republished as Eyes and Ears (Boston, 1864). His sermons, leported regularly after 1859, form the numer- ous volumes entitled Plymouth Pulpit. His first book. Lectures to Young Men (discourses de- livered at Indianapolis), was published in 1850. Among other works are Industry and Idleness; fiermons on Freedom and War; The Plymouth Collection of Hymns and Tunes; Speeches on the .Imerican Rehellion (London. 1864) ; Nor- icood, a novel (1868) ; Yale Lectures on Preach- ing, three series, delivered at New Haven on the Lvman Beecher foundation (1872-74, 3 vols.); The Life of Christ (Vol. I. 1871, Vols. II. and TIL, 1891) ; The Strike and its Lessons (1878) ;' A Circuit of the Continent (1884); Doctrinal Beliefs and Unbeliefs, Evolution and Religion (1885). In 1868 Lyman Abbot publislied two volumes of selected Sermons, which were revised by their author, and these will be found to repre- sent his pul])it work at its best. The phono- graphically reported Prayers from Plymouth Pul- pit (1867). should also be read, as Jlr. Beecher was very felicitous in his public prayers. Among nmnerous compilations from his sermons are Life Thoughls (2 vols., 1859) ; Morning and Erening Devotional Exercises, edited by Lvman Abbot ( 1870) ; and Comforting Thoughts ( 1884). For his biography consult Samuel Scoville (New