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BOLIVIA. 253 BOLLES. made of Santa Cruz (1820-39). who in If^M) usurped the cliief power in Peru and eonstitiitod it, tofjether with Bolivia, a federal republie under himself as protector; (iencrals lielzu and Cor- dova, who were in power from 1S4S to ISfiT, and Jost' Maria de Acha (1861-04), in whose time treaties were eoneluded with the United States and Belgium, and some attempts made to foster the foreign trade of theeountry. Bvarrangements made in ISfiti and 1874, the joint possession of Chile and Bolivia had been established over the rieli nitrate-fields of the desert coast of Ataeama : but strife between the two could not be avoided, and in 1876 Chile declared war against Bolivia and it.s ally, Peru. The brunt of the fighting fell on the latter power. Theleading ship of the Peiii- vian fleet was captured, the land forces of the allied republics w-ere overthrown, the Bolivian port of AJitofagasta was seized, and by the treaty of Xovember 'iH, 1884, Bolivia gave its assent to the retentiira by Chile of its seaboard with the rich mineral-fields — a loss which proved a serious blow to the prosperity of the countrv. From 1884 to 1898 there was internal peace; but in the au- tumn of 1898 a military revolution broke out, which after a half-year's fighting resulted in the overthrow of President Severo Fernando Alonzo and the elevation of Jose Manuel Pando to the Presidency. BiBLioGR.vpiiY. Cisneros and Garcia, Geo- grafica comercial de la America del Stid (Lima, 1898) : Ballivian and Zarco, Monografiax de la hidustria Mineia (La Paz, 1895); Child. The Slianish-America)! Itepiiblics (New York, 1804) ; Ford, Tropical America (London, 1893) ; Mark- ham, The War Between Peru and Chile (London, 1882) ; Wiener, Perou et Bolivie (Paris, 1880) ; .4rc/iii;o Boliviano-Coleceion de documentoa rela- tiros de la historia de Bolivia. BOLKHOV, b61-K6f'. The capital of a dis- trict in the Government of Orel, Russia, about 30 miles north of the city of Orel, and 200 miles from iloscow. Bolkhov is situated on the steep banks of the Xugra, which empties into the Oka about 10 miles northeast of the town. Bol- khov proper is on the left bank, and on the right is the Zaretsky suburb. It is an active, thriving town, trading to the amount of 1.. 500.000 rubles ($750,000) annually, in hemp, grain, tallow, rapeseed oil, etc. It has several mills and fac- tories; the annual produce of it^s tanneries is estimated at 530.000 rubles (.$270,000). A pe- culiar feature of the town is the location of its harbor, which is 12 miles distant in the village of Krutogorve, on the Oka River. Population, in 1897, 20,700. BOLOiAN, William ( ? -1770). An English- American lawyer and writer, born in Kngland. He emigrated to ilassachusetts about 1740. mar- ried a daughter of Governor iShirlcy. and through this connection obtained an a])pointment to the position of Advocate-General. As the agent of Massachusetts in England (1745-48), he secured from the British (Government the repayment of the money advanced by that colony to defray the expenses of the Cape Breton E.pedition. In 17(i9 he obtained and sent to Massachusetts a collec- tion of letters written by Governor Bernard and General Gage, strongly criticising and abus- ing the colonists. On the approach of the Revo- lutionary War, he strove to effect a conciliation between the British Ministry and the American Colonics. Among the numerous pamphlets writ- ten by him are: The Ancient Right of the Eng- lish y at ion to the American Finhery Examined and Stated (1704); The Mutual interests of Clreat Britain and the American Colonies Con- xidered (1705) ; Freedom of Hpeech and Writing Upon. Piihlic Affairs Considered (1700) ; A Free Britain's Memorial in Defense of the Right of Election (1709); and A Petition to the King, u-ith Illustrations Intended to Promote the Har- montj of Great Britain and Her Colonies (1774). BOL'LANDISTS. An association or succes- sion of .Tcsuits by whom the Acta l^anctorum (q.v.) are collected and published. They derive their name from their head, dean Bolland. who was born at Tirlemont. Belgium. August 13, 1590, joined the Jesuits in 1012, and was called to Antwerp in 1630 to edit and imblish the ma- terials for the lives of the saints which had been collected by the Jesuit Heribert Rosweyd. who had died the year before. Bolland chose as his collaborators Godfried Henschen and Daniel van Papenbroeck. The days of the .saints, usually their days of death, were arranged chronologi- cally, and so the lives follow this order, and sev- eral volumes are given to one month. The first volume appeared in 1043. Bolland died in Ant- werp, September 12. 1065. The work was car- ried on by those associated with the original company. Some of them are: C. Janning (died 1723), P. Bosch (died 1730), C. Suvsken (died 1771), L Hubens (died 1782), A. Berthod (died 1788). and J. Ghesqui&re (died 1802). In 1773 the Jesuit order was suspended, and in 1775 the convent in which the Bollandists had lived was turned into a military school. It seemed as if their task must be abandoned; but in 1770 the Empress Maria Theresa came to their assistance, and secured for them the Caudenberg Monas- tery, in Brussels, and also for each Bollandist a modest pension. Her successor, the Emperor Joseph II., ordered that they should produce a volume yearly, and as it was impossible for them to do so. expressed such great dissatisfac- tion that in 1788 he forbade" them to bring out another volume. In 1789 their library and all their materials were sold to the Premoii- stratensian Abbey of Tengerloo. not far from Antwerp, for 25,000 francs, and there the work was continued for a time. But in 1790, the French having invaded the country, the abbey was dissolved. The materials were not scattered, however. In 1825 they were removed to Brus- sels. In 1830 it was reported in Brussels that the work was to be continued in Paris. This so stirred the interest of the Belgians that the Gov- ernment passed a yearly subsidy of 0000 francs to insure the continuance of the work on Belgian soil; a new company of Bollandists was formed, and ever since the volumes have been coming out. In 1882 a supplement to the volumes already published, and preparatory studies for those not yet in press, began to ajipear under the title Analceta Bollandiana. The principal collabora- tors on this series are de Smedt, van Hooff, and de Backer. BOLLES, bolz, Albert S. (1846 — ). An American lawyer, educator, and author. He was born in .Montville. Conn. He studied law and was admitted to the Connecticut bar. and m 1870 elected judge of the Probate Court. He after- wards edited successively the Norwich Bulletin and the Hankers' Bulletin, and for several vears