Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/425

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BOUTERWEK. 375 BOTJVET. cm Poesic iind Beredsamkcit gen, 1801-19). The part (12 vols., Gottin- iting to Spanish fiterature is especially valual)U>. and has been translated into Spanish and imich enlarged by Jose Gomez de la Cortina and Nicolas Hugelde de Molinedo (3 vols.. Madrid. 1828). A portion of it was also tianslated into English and pub- lished under the title History of Spanish Litera- ture (182;S). BOUTHTY, bUot'me', Emile (1835—). A French pul)licist, born in Paris. He was for a time a journalist, and from 1865 to 1869 occu- pied the chairs of the history of civilization and of the comparative history of architecture at the Eeole Speciale d'Architecture. He assisted in founding the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques (1872), where for a number of years he held the chair of comparative constitutional history. He was elected a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1898. He has published several excellent works, including Introduction au cours d'histoire coniparce dc Varchitecture (1869) ; Etudes de droit const it utionnel: France, Angleterre. Etats-Unis (1885); Dcveloppement de la constitution en Angleterre (1886) ; and Les Latins (1804). BOTJTO, bw'to, or Ix.tia. A blackish or red- dish porpoise-like dolphin (Inia Geoffroyensis) , about 7 feet long, vchich abounds in the rivers of the Amazon Valley, going far toward their heads. See DoLPHiVi and Tucusi. BOUTROTTX, boo'trou', Etienne Emile Mabie (1845 — ). A French philosopher and pro- fessor at the University of Paris. He was born at Montroiige (Seine). In the thesis entitled De la contingence des lois de la nature (1896), he declares that contingency lies at the basis of all nature, the laws of which appear to express necessity. His doctrine rests upon a profound analysis of logical and of causal necessity, and in the distinction between the point of view of quality and that of quantity. Of these two points of view, the former permits us to perceive only permanency, immobility, and fatality, while the" latter enables us to distinguish motion, final- itv, contingencv. and progress. Boutroux has also published Vols. I. and II. (1877 and 1882) of a translation of the Philosophic der Griechen, by Eduard Zeller. BOUTS, l>outs. Dirk or Dierick, wrongly styled Sti EUBOUT (c.1410-75). A Dutch paint- er, born at Haarlem. He was a pupil of Roger van der Weyden at Louvain, where, in 1466-G8. hf i>ainted two pictures for the CJiurch of Saint I'eter, one of the ".Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus" and one of the "Last Supper." He also painted the "Martyrdom of Saint Hippoly- tus" and tlio "Torture of Saint Sebastian." His brilliant coloring makes him one of the most significant members of the Flemish School, and his landscape backgrounds are especially good. His figures, on the other hand, are often dis- proportionately long and angular. BOUTS - RIMES, boo'r.'-ma' (Fr., rhymed endings). . kind of verse, the making of which forms a social amusement. Some one of the party gives out the rhymes or endings of a stanza, and the others have to fill up the lines as they best may. Suppose the rhymes pre- scribed are wave, lie; brave, die; the following is one of the ways in which the lines might be completed : Dark are the secrets of the gulfing wave. Where, wrapped in death, so many heroes lie; Yet gli>riou8 death's the guerdtin of the brave. And those who bravely live can bravely die. Addison ridicules the amusement in the Spectator, No. 60. BOUT'WELL, George Sewall ( 1S18-190.J) . An American politician and Cabinet olficer. He was born in Brookline, Mass., was admitted to the bar in 1836, and between 1842 and 1851 was seven times chosen to the Massachusetts Legislature. Thenceforth he was a leader of the Democratic Party in his State, was chosen Governor in 1851, and was reelected the next year. On the repeal of the Jlissouri Compromise in 1854, he left the Democratic and assisted in the organization of the Republican Party. In 1862, as conniiissioner, he organized the new De- partment of Internal Revenue; in 1863 was elected to Congress, and was twice rechosen. In 1868 he was one of the managers of the impeachment of President Johnson, from 1809 to 1873 was Secre- tary of the Treasury, and in the latter year was elected United States Senator. In the financial btisiness of the Government, as both a legislator and an executive officer, he had a large share of influence and responsibility. In 1877 he was appointed by President Hayes to prepare a codification of the statutes-at-large. He was an overseer of Harvard and secretary of the Jlassa- chusetts Board of Education, in which capacity he prepared many valuable reports. He wrote Educational Topics and Institutions (1859); Manual of the United States Direct and Revenue Tax (1863); The Tax-Payer's Manual (1865); Speeches ayid Papers (1867); The Constitution of the United States at the End of the First Cen- tury (1896) ; and Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs (1902). BOUVARDIA, boo-var'di-a (named in honor of Bouvai'd. pliysician to Louis XIII., and su- perintendent of the Royal Gardens in Paris) . A genus of twenty or thirty American shrubs or perennial herbs, mostly Mexican, of the family Rubiacere. Bouvardias are cultivated to a con- siderable extent as late fall or early winter greenhouse plants. The red or white flowers are long and tubular, four-lobed, and contain four stamens. The fruit is a two-celled capsule. Bouvardia triphylla is a favorite in flower bor- ders in Great Britain, producing flowers from June till November. BOUVART, or BOUVARD, boo'vilr', Alexis (1767-1843). A French astronomer. In 1804 he was a member of the Bureau of Longitudes. He assisted Laplace in the Mccaniquc celeste, and became a member of the Academy and director of the Observatorj'. Bouvart was the first to point out the irregularities of the planet Uranus, and the investigation of these irregularities led to the discovery of Neptune by 1^'verrier and Adams in 1846." He published Nouvelles tables de Jupiter et de Saturne (1808), and Mimoire sur les observations mitiorologiques faites d I'Observatoire dc Paris. BOUVET, limi'vi', .loACiiiM (c.1662-1732). The founder of the French Jesuit Mission in China, biographer of the famous Manchu Em- peror Kang-hi, and initiator of the first survey, by the Jesuits, of the Chinese Empire, which is