Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/56

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W. H. Bennett and W. F. Adeney, Biblical Intro- duction (Xcw York, 1900) ; S. R. Driver. Intro- duction to the Lilcraltire of the Old Tr.ilamcnt (London, 1897); J. Kobertson, The Old Testa- ment and its Contents (London, 1803); A. F. Kirkpatrick, The Divine Library of the Old Tes- tament (London. 1801) ; W. II. ShwoK. The Lan- guage of the ^'cw Testament (London, 1889) ; R. G. ^foulton. The lAleranj Htudii of the Bible (New York, 1809) ; R. F. Horton. kerelution and the Bible (London, 1802) : the bibliof;raphies given by JL K. incent, fitudcnt's Xetc Testament Uandbhok (New York. ISO;!): find by C. W. Votaw and C V. BradU'V. Books for Xeir Testa- vient Stndij (Chicago, I'JOO) ; the article "Bible" in Ilastinys"s Dictionary of the Bible, and in the Encyclopeed ia Bril a n n ica.

II. Interpretation. — L. Diestel, (leschiehte des Alten Testaments in der christUclien Kirche (Jena, 1800) ; J. C. K. Hofniann, Biblische Her- mencutilc (Niirdlingen, 1880); C. A. Briggs, General Introduction to the f^tiuly of lloly Scrip- ture (New York, 1800) ; F. V. Farrar, The His- tory of Interpretation (London. 188()1 ; A. Ininier, Uermeneulics of the Xcic Testament (English translation. Andover. 1800) : P. Schafl/Theoloyical Propcvdeutic Cticw York, 1803, chap, cxxvii.-cxl.).

III. The Canon.— A. The Old Testament Canon. G. Wildeboer, The Origin of the Canon of the Old Testament (English translation, Lon- don, 189.5) ; F. Buhl, Canon and Te.ct of the Old Testament (English translation, Edinburgh, 1892) ; H. E. Ryle. The Canon of the Old Testa- ment (London, 'l892) ; and the article Canon" in the Encyclopcedia Biblica, and in tlic Jeaish Encycloptedia.

III. B. The New Testament Canon.— Th. Zahn, Geschichte des neutestanientlichen Kanons (3 vols., Leipzig, 1892) ; A. Harnaok, Das .Veue Testament urn das dahr MO (Freiburg im Breis- gau, 1889) ; B. F. Westcott, History of the .ew Testament Canon. (London, 1889) ; A. H. Char- teris, Canonicity (London, 1880) ; and the ar- ticle "Canon" in the Encyclopedia Biblica, and in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible.

IV. Version. — English. P. SchatI, A Com- panion to the Creek Testament and the English Version (New York, 1889) ; B. F. Westcott. .1 General View of the History of the English Bible (I^ndon, 1872) : .1. Eadie, The English Bible (2 vols., London, 1870) ; H. V. Iloare. The Evolution of the Ihiglish Bible (London, 1902) ; The English Hexapla (London, Bagster, 1841); Forshall and iMadden's edition of Wiclif's trans- lation of the Bible (4 vols. Oxford, 1850); F. Frey's edition of Tvndale's translation of the New Testament (London. 1862) : and J. I. Mom- bert's edition of Tyndale's Pentateuch (New York. 1884). For n<)nEnglish versions consult 77ie Bible of Every Land ( London, Bagster, 1861 ) ; A. Ostcrtag, Die Bibel und ihrc (leschiehte (Basel, ed. R. Preiswerk, 1802) ; A. Loisy, His- toire du tcxtc ct des rcr.^ions de la Bible (2 vols., Paris, 180.5) ; F. 0. Kenyon, Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, being a History of the Text and its Translation (London, 1806); H. B. Swete, An Introduction to the Old Testament in. Greek (Cambridge, 1900). For iwW bibliog- raphies consult the article "Bibeliibersotzungen" in the third edition of Hcrzog (Vol. IL 1176), and for a list of the Bfldc translations pre- pared by missionaries, consult the list of .7. S. Dennis in his Centennial Survey of Foreign Mis- sions (New York, 1902, pp. 123-172).

V. Textual Criticism. — A. Old Testament Text. C. D. Ginsburg, Introduction to the Mas- soretico-Crilical Edition of the Hebreuy Bible (London, 1807) ; F. Buhl, Ca(!0» and Text of the Old Testament (English translation, Edinburgh, 1802). B. New Testament Text. The Prole- gomena to Tischendorf's 8th edition of his Greek New Testament, by C. R. Gregory and the late Ezra Al)bot (Leii)zig, 1884) ; F. H. A. Scrivener, .4 Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the Sew Testament (ed. by E. Miller, London. 1894) ; C. R. Gresjory, />ie Textkritik des Xeucn Testaments (Leipz',"l900) ; B. B. Warfield, An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Acir Testament (New York, 1887) ; M. R. Vincent, The History of the Textual Criticism of the Xew Testament (New York, 1001) ; C;. E. Hammond, Outlines of Textual Criticism to the Xeiv Testament (Lon- don, 1002) ; Edwin Hatch, Essays in Biblical Greek (London, 1889).

BIBLE, 11 Rior.s Editions of. Besides those issues of the book which have historical impor- tance are those notable for curious errors, or for incidents of publication. The followang is a list of the more familiar of these, with their peculiar designations:

The Glitenbero Bible. The earliest book known printed from moviible metal types is the Latin Bible issued by Gutenberg at JIainz. A.n. 1452-56; also known as the Mazarin Bible, be- cause the copy which first attracted the notice of bibliographers was discovered by Ddiurc in 1760 among the books of Cardinal ;!az:uin (d. 1661).

TuK BiiJLE OF TiiiRTT-six LiNES. A folio edi- tion of the Biblia Latina, of the time of Guten- berg, the pages of which contain two ccjlunms of thirty-six lines.

The Bug Bible. So called from its rendering of Psalm xci. 5: "Afraid of bugs by night." Our present version roads: "Terror by night." A.D. 1551.

The Breeches Biblex The Geneva version is sometimes called the Breeches Bible, from its rendering of Genesis iii. 7: "Making themselves breeches out of fig-leaves." This translation of the Scriptures — the result of the labors of the English exiles at Geneva — was the English Fam- ily Bible during the reign of tjueen Elizabeth, . and till supplanted by the present authorized version of King .lames T. The Xew Testament appeared in 1577; the whole Bible 1501.

The Pl.vce-.maker's Bible. From a remark- able typographical error which occurs in Matt. V. 9: "Blessed are the place-makers," instead of peacemakers. 1562.

The TREAri.E Bible. From its rendering of Jeremiah, viii. 22: "Is there no treacle [instead of balm] in Gilead?" 1568.

The Uosin Bibie. From the same text, but translated 'rosin' in the Douai version. 1609. The He and She Bibles. From the respect- ive renderings of Ruth iii. 1.5 — one reading that "She went into the citv"; the other has it that "He went." 1611.

The Wicked Bible. From the fact that the negative has been left out of the Seventh Com- mandment (Ex. XX. 14), for which the printer was fined £300. 1631.

The Thi'MB Bible. One inch square and half an inch thick, was published at Aberdeen. 1670.