Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/9

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ILLUSTRATIONS IN A^OLUME III. COLORED PLATES Facing Page Beverage Plants 8 BiKDs OF Paeadise 108 Blankets, Indian 100 BrTTERFLiES, Amekicax 732 Cacti 774 MAPS Bolivia 250 Boston 33-t Brazil 432 British Columbia 514 Buffalo G30 Burma 696 ENGRAVINGS BiBLIA Paupekum 48 Bignoxia, etc 66 Birds, ANATOiiv of 102 Bismarck, Otto vox * ... 122 Bisoxs 126 Blackbirds 136 Boas, Showing Specific ZIakk:xgs 208 Boilers 238 Boxeset, etc 276 Bookplate of the Groliki: Cluii 296 Boston 336 Bostox 338 Botticelli (-'Primavera" [Spring]) 3.50 Bottlixg Machixery 354 Bower-Bikds 380 Brachiopoda 39(j Brake axd Birch 414 Brazil Nuts, etc 4,3g Breadfruit, Baxaxa, etc 446 Brewixg 472 Bbick-Making Machixery , ., 47(j