Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 06.djvu/110

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DE LA BEY. 84 DELAUNAY. di$tiii<-uis)u-<l liiiiisolf by the skill with wliirh he laid out the lines of the liattle of Magersfoiitcin, and other siiialler eneouiiters. Later, he con- dueled a well -ordered retreat before the British advance under Lord lloberts, and at Xooitgedacht, in lltOO. eaptureil .">00 Hritish troops. In the second or guerrilla stage of the war he was equally distinj^iiishcd by his successful tactics, his most important success being the capture of the British general. Lord .Melhuen. on March 7, I!iO:2. together with a number of British troops. His lack of hospital accommodations, and the necessity he was under of making forc<'d and sudden marches, precluded his det<?ntion of the wounded 1-ord Xlethucn, whom he accordingly had to release. His entire career throughout the war was marked by great ])ersonal gallantry and by the humane treatment accorded to his enemies. With the Boers he was one of the most po])ular leaders of the two republics, and he gained from his foes the reputation of being a leader of un- erring military judgment and remarkable re- sourcefulness in emergencies. In I!I02 he was one of the Boer committee which arranged for the submission of his countrymen, an<l after- wards formed one of the deputation appointed to visit Europe and the L'nited States for the purpose of raising funds for the distressed Boers, whom the British had repatriated, but ftir whom the terms of peace did not adequately provide. DE LA RIVE, de li rev', Auguste Arthur (l,S01-7.3). A .'^wiss physicist who devoted much attention to researches in electricity. He was born in (ieneva. and at the age of twenty-two was ap- ]>()inted to the chair of natural philosophy in the (iiiicva Acailcmy. He was one of the first to investigate the temperature of the earth's crust, and made observations in an artesian well 700 feet in depth. He discovered the process of elec- tro-gilding, and in 1842 received for it a prize of 3000 francs from the French Academy of Sciences, of which in 1804 he was made a foreign associate. He made original discoveries in con- nection with magnetism, electro-dynamics, the connection of magnetism with electricity, the jiroperlies of the >oUaic are. and the ]>assage of electricity through extremely rarefied media. Ho published a complete treatise on electricity (18.53-58). which was for many years considered a standard work. DELAKOCHE. d.-la•r.^■.h^ Bail (1707- 185(1). A French historical painter, born in Paris, July 17, 1797. He was a pupil of Baron (iros, and one of the most representative ]>ainters of his time. In his "Joan of Arc" and the "Death of Queen Elizabeth" he essayed to follow the Romantic School, but early turned to his- torical painting. His "Death of the Duke of fiuise" and "Cromwell Oj)cning the C'otTm of Charles L" are executed with technical power and fine dramatic effect. His "Children of Ed- ward IV. in the Tower" appeared in 1831. .■mong other historical subjects arc the "flxe- cution of Lady .Tane Orey" and "Lord Strafford on the Way to Execution Insulted by the Par- liamentary Soldiers." His must ambitious work, finished in 1841, is the hemicyele in the Theatre of the Eeole des Beaux-.rts in Paris. In it the arts of difTerent nations are depicted, and the seventy five life si/e figures that o<>cnpy the can- vas are portraits of the artists of the times and countries represented. The figure that repre- sents tiothic architecture is said to be a portrait of the painter's wife, who was a daughter of Horace V'emet. After her death, which occurred in 184.5, a note of tenderness and pathos seems to have been added to his work, and under the inspiration of grief, as it were, he produced sev- eral sacred works. His "Christian Martyr" is widely known, and the '"Crown of Thorns" and the "Kcturn from (_;olgolha" show a spontaneity and freedom of treatment not always apparent in the works of Delaroche, and express a new impulse born of love and sorrow. His "Calvary" appeared in 1853, and "Jesus in the tiardcn of Geth.semane" in 1854. Among his later his- torical works are: "Xapoleon at Fontainebleau," jiaintcd in 1847; "Bonaparte at Saint Bernard" 1 1850) : and "Marie Antoinette Before the Revo- lutionary Tribunal" (1851). Delaroche painted without impetuosity, and cimsequently with little feeling. He had the pictorial sense in a high degree, and sometimes bordered on the melo- dramatic. His large and sumptuous picture of the "Death of Queen Elizabeth" is an instance of this. He painted rich stuffs with great skill, but never touched high sentiment or deep feel- ing. S. W. Reynolds. Desclaux. and others have engraved his princii)al works. Delaroche was a member of the Institute, and a professor in the Eeole des Beaux-.Vrts; he received of an officer of the Legion of Honor. He died in Paris. November 4, 1850. Consult: Strana- han, A llinlurij of French Painting ( Xew York, ISDO) ; Tytler,' Modern Painters and Their Paint- ing (Boston, 1809) ; Blanc, Ili.itoire des peintrcs fran^ais au XIX. .liiele (Paris, 1845) ; Rees, Dclaroehc (London, 1880). DE LA RTJE. Warrex (1815-891. An Eng- lish scienti-^l. He introduced important improve- ments in oil-refining, color-printing, and enve- lope-folding machines, but is known chietly for his pliotographs of the heavenly bodies. He pub- lished also a number of interesting papers on astronomy :inil pliysics. DE LA TOTJR, de li toor, AIaurice Quentin. See La Toi h. .ai rice Qventin de. DELATTRE, dc-lA'tr', Alfred I.x3ns (1850 — ). A French arclueologist. bom at Deville- les-Rouen. Sent as a missionary to -Alegria. he became chaplain of the Church of Saint Louis of Carthage and conservator of the archicological museum at Algiers. His investigations among the ruins of ancient Carthage have done much to in- crease historical knowledge and arcluvological interest. Ilis works include: Carthage ct la Tu- nisia au point de rue areheoloqiquc (1883) ; In- frriplions de Carthage (1884-85); Souvenirs de In eroisade de Saint Louis trour^s d Carthage (1888); Lcs tomheaux puniques de Carthage (1890); and Sourcnirs de Vancienne fglise d'Afrique (1893). DELATTRE, Rolano. See Lasso, Orlando di. DELATTNAY, dc-U.'nft', Charles Euoferre (1810-72). . French astronomer and mathema- tician. He was professor of mechanics in Paris and a mcmln'r of the .Xcademv. and succeeded Leverrier as direitor of the observatory. He published n numl)er of valuable works, among whic-h may he mentioned his Traits de mfcanique ralionelle and his Thi'orie de la lune.