Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 06.djvu/415

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DOGE. 357 DOGFISH. the election of the Doge Consort was declared ille- the office against his own will, under threat of a gal. In order to aid the chief magistrate in his confiscation of his property, but in compensation constantly increasing duties, instead of a consort, was given a larger household. In 1437 Venice two I'oiisipliiii Ducali, or privy councilors, were felt the need of a title to the land empire appointed. At the same time, as a restriction which she had acquired, and the Doge ob- upon his power, the Doge was obliged to call the tained a diploma of investiture from the Em- more prominent citizens to aid him with their pcmr, creating him 'Duke of Treviso, Feltre, Bel- advice. This was the foundation of the i^cnate, luno, Ceneda. I'adua, lircscia. Bergamo. Casal- or Pregadi. From this time the power of the maggiore, .Soncino, and IVschiera.' In spite of Doge was gradually restricted by legislative en- his titles, the Doge had little real power in the actment. In the earlier ])eriods, the usual rem- last centuries of the Kepublic's existence; the edy against tyranny had been violence, and sev- olfice disappeared with the fall of the Republic in eral doges had been deposed, blinded, or put to 1797. death, but after 10.'!2 tyranny was guarded The Republic of Genoa elected, after a victory against by constitutional checks. In 1172 the gained by the party of the people, in 1330, Simone Great Council, Mtinqior Con.tiriUo, of 480 mem- Itoccancra for its lirst Doge. In 1306, when hers was created. These represented the different Genoa came (for a short time) under the rule sections and held othce for one year; they made of the French, the olfice of Doge was suppressed. appointments to office and prepared all business It was revived in 1528. when a new aristocratic which was to go before the General Assembly. In constitution was instituted under the auspices of addition the assembly of the Pregadi was given Andrea Doria. In most respects (lie office was greater power, and four more ducal councilors, restricted, as in Venice. In 1797. when Genoa making si.K in all, were appointed. Later con- was occupied by the French, the office was abol- stitutional changes follow along these same lines, ished. It was reestablished in 1802 for the On the one hand, power is taken away from the Ligurian Republic, and again abolished in 1805. people as represented in the General Assembly; when the Republic came to an end. Consult on the other hand, the influence of the Doge is Brown, Venice (New York, 1893). gradu.illy restricted until he becomes a figure- DOGE'S PALACE, The. The residence for head, though the pomp and dignity of the office j^^^ centuries of the dukes (doges) of Venice, are increased These changes however, weremade picturesquely situated on the PiaJzetta adjoining very g^-adually and some of the strongest doges the Piazza of Saint Mark. It is said to have been ruled during the thirteenth and fourteenth cen- i^^^^ed about 814. and subsequentlv was de- tunes. See D.^NDOLO. , , , ^ stroyed and rebuilt five times. The present re- The people resisted strenuously when the Coun- construction dates from the time of the Do^e cil attempted to deprive them of the right of Marino Falieri, in the middle of the fourteenth electing the Doge. Finally the Council hit upon centurv, the Gothic facade from the first half of the expedient of electing the Doge and then pre- the fifteenth centurv. Its architecture makes it senting him to the people with the following for- one of the most striking buildings in Europe nulla: "This is your Doge, if it please you." a On the south and west sides the basement is sur- forniula which was used until 1423. The method rounded bv a colonnade of 30 columns, surmount- of electing the Doge was modified frequently with pd jn the second storv fey a colonnade of 71 the purpose of preventing partisanship and cor- smaller columns. The upper stories form a heavy nipt ion. In 1268 the following method was square mass, relieved by polychrome decoration of adopted: various marbles, balconies, pointed arches, and The Great Council b.v lot chose 30 "JV^^^I^ '7* "" battlemented cornice. The Porta The 30 were reduced b.T lot to 9 della Carta, so called from the placards on which The 9 voted tor ^ ( with at least the laws of the Republic were published, the' The 40 were reduced by lot to.".'."'."".'.'.'..'. 12 '^ ™**' '"^'^ Court, and the Giants' Staircase, at the head of The l-) voted for 05 f "ith at 'cast which the doges were crowned, are among the ^^ ' . ■■,■■" "Vr'i „ ' * ^°** ^'^^ ™°^t perfect extant works of the Renaissance. The 2= were reduced by lot to ', „.itu at least 0° the east, the palace is connected bv the The 9 voted tor 45 { , '^l^ll '^^^^ famous Bridge of Sighs with the old prisons. The The 43 were reduced by lot to 11 building is rich in historical memories. It con The 11 voted for « { TvotS each ^'^'".^ ^^^ magnificent Sala del Maggior Con- Tbe 41 elected, with a minimum of twenty-flve votes, the ?'g0' <"" Great Council Hall, in which the meet- Doge, ings of the Xobili were held; and the Sala dello _, f ii T-> i, • Scrutinio. or Voting Hall, both .surrounded with ■The power of the Doge was greatly circum- historical paintings: the Library of Saint Mark, scribed especially after 1229, by m.aking the ^.jt,, .-are manuscripts and miniatures: the coronation oath more strict, by the establishment Archa-ological Museum: th. famous Bocca di in 1.J10 of the fearful Council of Ten, and by the Le^nc. ^n orifice opening into the anteroom of appointment of inquisitors to e.xamiiie in detail 4,,^ inquisitors, and used to deposit secret infor- all the acts of the deceased Doge. By the corona- ^^^tion and accusations: toriure chambers and tion oath of T>Ppoh>. in 1229 he was forbidden to dungeons, and the place of execution for political correspond with the Pope, the Emperor, or any offenders other sovereign without the consent of the ducal councilors, and the size of his household was DOG-FEN'NEL. See Feverfew; Mayweed. fixed. Loaded down with burdensome conditions DOGFISH. A popular name for small and clothed only with empty honors, the office sharks, apparently because they follow their ceased to be sought for. In 1301 the Doge was re- pray like dogs hunting in packs; also "hound' quired to abdicate when asked to do so. but was and 'bone-dog.' It is most commonly given in the not allowed to resign of his own accord. A few ITnitcd States to Squalus arnntJiias. of the 'spiny years later Andrea Contarini was forced to accept' family Squalidic. of which characteristic