Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 06.djvu/65

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DECLENSION. 49 DECLINATION. sition. Thus, karhii, a bear; karhiin, of a bear; karhuna, as a bear; karhutta, without bear; karhuxsa, in the bear; kurliiista, out of the bear, etc. In the ilagyar, twenty cases may be reck- oned; and the languages of the Nortli American Indians are richer still — perhaps we shouhi say more embarrassed. What case endings and other inileetional terminations were in their origin, as veil a.s the comparative merits of the highly in- fleeted and the analytic languages, will be con- sidered under Infi.ectiox. DECLINATION (Lat. decUnatio, a bending aside, from de, awa}', from -f *clinare, to in- cline, bend), in astronomy. If a great circle be drawn through the pole of the lieavens and any star, the declination of the star is the por- tion of the circle intercepted between the star and the celestial equator. The place of a point in the heavens is determined by its right ascen- sion (q.v. ) and declination, just as a point in the eartli's surface is determined by its latitude and longitude. DECLINATION. In magnetism, the angle which a vertical plane passing through the axis of a freely suspended magnetic needle when at rest makes with the true meridian or astronomi- cal north-and-south line. The declination, which may l)e either to the east or west of the true north and south, varies from time to time and from point to point on the earth's surface, as do the other magnetic phenomena which are dis- cussed under, Terrestrial: and un- der Compass. At some places the magnetic and astronomical meridians may coincide, while at others the difference is most marked. The fol- lowing table, prepared bv the Division of Terres- trial Magnetism of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, gives the declination or varia- tion for .January, 1902, with the annual change for the epoch 1900-05, for a number of points throughout the United States: Table of Magnetic Declisations or CompaHS Variations for January. 1902. with the Annual Change for the Epoch 1900-05 for the Principal Places in the United States (A plus sipn indicate.s west declination ; a minus sign east declination. For the annual chanp:e. a plus sign indi- cates increasing west or decreasing east declination and a minus sign the reverse.) STATE OK TERRITOKY / S' = 1 STATE OR Station S'3 1& 11 TERRITORY — ^ I tCi ■E «  S 5 E.3 > <t < < Alabama Montgomery 32° 22' 86° 18' — 2° 40' +3.6 Mobile 30 42 88 03 — 4 10 +3.5 Florence 34 48 87 43 — 3 34 +3.8 Alaska Sitka 57 03 135 20 —29 42 0.0 St. Paul 57 48 152 22 —24 17 +3.0 St. Michael 63 29 162 01 —21 53 +7.0 Fort Yukon 66 34 145 18 —34 20 +6.6 Cape Smyth 71 18 156 39 —32 30 +2,0 Arizona Prescott —13 30 +2.0 Yuma 32 44 114 37 —13 If. +1.0 Nogales 31 20 110 56 —12 08 4-2.0 Arkansas Little Rock 34 44 92 16 — 6 34 +3.7 California Sacramento San Francis- 38 M '121 30 —16 11 +0.0 co 37 48 122 27 —17 00 0.0 Los Angeles 34 04 118 15 —14 27 0.0 San Diego 32 4^ ,117 10 —13 56 0.0 Colorado Denver 39 45 104 54 —13 66 +3.0 Connecticut Hartford 41 46 72 40 +10 34 +2.0 New Haven 41 18 72 55 -(- 9 51 +2.0 Delaware Dover 39 09 75 31 -f 6 32 +2.8 District of Colum- bia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indian Territory Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Washington 38 53 Tallahassee 30 26 Jacksonville 30 20 24 33 33 44 32 05 43 37 39 60 41 54 34 24 39 47 41 03 41 36 42 30 37 40 37 05 38 15 32 30 43 39 44 54 38 59 39 16 42 22 42 06 Key West Atlanta Savannah Boise Springfield Chicago Atoka Indianapolis Fort Wayne Des Moines Dubuque Topeka Wichita Frankfort Paducah Louisville Baton Rouge 30 27 New Orleans 129 54 Shreveport Augusta Portland Eastport Annapolis Baltimore Boston Springfield Lansing Detroit Marquette St. Paul Duluth Jackson Oxford .lefferson City St. Louis Kansas City Helena Lincoln Omaha Carson City Eureka Concord Trenton Sante Fe Albany New York Ithaca Buffalo Raleigh Wilmington Bismarck Pembina Columbus Cleveland Cincinnati Guthrie Portland HaiTisburg Philadelphia J39 58 Allegheny 40 28 Providence Columbia Charleston Pierre Yankton Nashville Knosville Memphis Austin San Antonio Houston Galveston El Paso Salt Lake Ogden Montpelier Burlington Richmond Norfolk Lynchburg Olympia Walla Walla Charleston Wheeling Madison 77 00 84 17 81 39 81 48 84 22 81 05 116 12 89 39 87 37 96 05 86 08 85 03 93 36 90 44 42 21 46 33 44 58 40 46 32 19 34 22 38 35 38 38 39 07 46 37 40 49 41 16 39 10 39 31 43 12 40 13 35 41 42 40 40 43 42 27 42 55 35 47 34 13 46 48 48 58 40 00 41 30 39 08 46 31 40 16 41 50 34 00 32 47 44 22 42 53 36 09 35 58 35 08 30 17 29 27 29 42 29 18 31 46 40 46 41 13 44 15 44 28 37 32 36 62 87 25 47 02 46 04 38 21 40 03 43 04 97 20 88 37 85 46 91 11 90 08 93 45 70 17 66 59 76 29 76 35 71 04 73 32 2 14 1 10 2 32 1 32 — 34 18 38 — 4 05 3 00 — 7 69 1 16 — 07 — 7 — 5 — 9 — 9 — 1 — 4 — 1 83 03 87 22 93 05 92 04 90 12 89 33 92 09 90 16 94 33 112 02 96 42 95 68 119 46 115 58 71 29 74 44 105 57 73 45 74 00 76 29 78 .54 78 38 77 56 100 47 97 14 83 00 81 42 84 25 122 41 76 53 75 10 80 01 71 24 81 02 79 66 100 22 97 25 86 48 83 55 90 03 97 44 98 28 05 20 94 47 il06 29 111 54 112 00 I 72 32

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77 26 76 17 79 09 122 ,54 118 21 81 38 80 44 89 25 + 5 10 +3.0 +::.6 +3.4 +2.7 +3.2 +3.2 +1.5 +4.5 +3.4 +4.8 +4.0 +4.0 +4.4 +3.6 +3.7 +3.7 +3.8 +3.9 +3.8 +3.5 +3.5 +1.5 +1.0 +0.3 3.0 +3.0 +1.0 +2.8 +40 +4.5 +6.0 +4.2 +5.8 +3.0 +3.5 +4.8 +4.1 +4.3 +2.0 +4.0 +4.0 +1.0 +1.0 +2..5. +2.0 +2.7 +2.6 +2.9 +3.9 +3.2 +2.4 +2.8 +3.8 +4.7 +3.3 +3.7 +3.7 +3.7 +0.3 3.0 30 24 00 27 30 24 16 — 5 39 — 6 22 — 6 40 +16 00 +14 29 +18 58 + 5 35 + 5 40 +12 .32 +10 60 + 50 + 1 16 — 1 57 — 8 36 —11 68 — 5 54 — 5 29 — 7 10 — 6 00 — 8 64 —19 05 —10 02 — 9 22 —16 36 —16 21 +12 29 8 30 12 29 +10 68 + 9 12 + 7 10 + 6 07 + 2 34 + 1 69 14 33 —10 66 + 49 + 3 15 — 58 9 00 12 24 + 6 26 1+2.0 + 7 30 1+3.9 + 3 58 i-i-1.4 +11 48 1+3.8 07 1+3.1 + 40 +3.0 12 24 +3.6 10 49 +3.8 3 43 +3.6 + 06 +.3.8 — 6 24 +3.3 8 05 +3.0 — 8 20 +3.1 7 18 +3.3 — 6 68 +2.3 11 28 +2.7 —16 06 +-'.0 —17 00 1+2.0 +13 56 +2.0 + 12 38 +2.8 + 3 45 +2.7 + 4 31 +3.1 + 2 25 +0.0 —22 44 1.0 —21 06 1+3.4 + 2 12 ;+:i.4 + 1 13 1+5.0 — 4 47 +5.0