Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 06.djvu/933

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ELKESAITES. 809 ELL. brace the new iloilriiius without entire repudia- tion of their old belief. The fullest aeeount of the Book of Elkesai is found in the Fhiloso- phouiiuiiu of HippolyUis. EL-KHARGEH, tl-kar'ge. See Kii.RiiEii, Kl. ELK'HART. A city in Elkhart County, Ind., 100 miles cast of Chicajro; at the contluence of the Saint Joseph and Klkhart rivers, and on the Lake Shore and Jlichigan Southern and the Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicago and Saint Louis railroads (Map: Indiana. C 1). It has abun- dant water-power, and its industries include rail- road shops, bridge and iron works, and estab- lishments for the manufacture of carriages, starch, chewing-gum, paper, bicycles, printing- presses, and iiuisical instruments. The city maintains a public school library, and is to have a Carnegie librarv costing .'fi3r),000. Population, in 1899, 11.360; in 1900. I.i,184. ELK'HOBN. A city and the county-seat of Wulwortli County, Wis., 5G miles southwest of .Milwaukee, on the Chicago. Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad. It is the centre of a fertile agri- cultural region, and has large dairying interests and some manufactures. Population, in 1890, 1447; in 1900, 1731. ELK HORN, Battle of. See Pea Ridge, B.VTTI.E OF. ELKHORN RIVER. A tributary of the Platte Kiver. Nebraska. The main stream rises in Brown County and the north fork in Knox County (Map: Xebraska, F 1). They unite in Madison County, and the stream flows, joining the Platte in Sarpy County, in the east- ern part of the State, after a course of over 250 miles. The Fremont. Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad runs through this valley. The largest tributary is Logan Creek. EL'KIN, William Lewls (1855—). An American astronomer. He was l)orn in Xew Orleans, was educated at the Royal Polytechnic School, Stuttgart. Germany, and at the Univer- sity of Leipzig. His astronomical investigations at the Royal Conserv-atory, Cape of Good Hope, on the parallaxes of southern stars, which in- estigations he undertook in association with Sir David Gill, were important. In 1896 he was made director of the Yale Observatory. EL'KINS, Stephen- Bextox (1841—). An American capitalist and politician. He was bom in Perry County, Ohio, graduated at the Uni- versity of Missouri (Columbia), in 1800. was admitted to the Missouri bar in lS(i4, removed to Kew Mexico, and in the same year was elected to the Territorial Legislature. Subsequently he became a district attorney and Attorney-General' of the Territory, and United Slates District Attor- ney. From 1873 to 1877 he was Delegate to Con- gress from Xew Mexico. Later he removed to West Virginia, from 1891 to 1803 was Secretary of War in President Harrison's Cabinet, in 1S04 was elected to the United States Senate, and in 1901 was reelected. He acquired large business interests in West Virginia, particularly in con- nection with the coal industry and the railways of that State, and became vice-president of the West Virginia Central and Piftsliurg Railway. ELK RIVER. A village and the county-seat of sbcrbMrnc County. Minn.. 30 miles north by west of Minneapolis: on the Mississippi River, and on the Xorthern Pacific and the Great Xorth- ern railroads (Map: ^Minnesota, E 5). H has good water-power and some manufactures, and a trade in the products of the surrounding agricul- tural and lundiering regions. Population, in 1890. (i79; in 1900. 831. ELKS, Bexevole.t axu Protective Order of. A benevolent fraternal society, organized in the City of X'ew York. February 16, 1868, as the outgrowth of a social club known as the .Jolly Corks, composed ])rincipally of members of the theatrical profession. Its lirst regular organiza- tion was X'ew York Lodge Xo. 1. The Grand Lodge of the Order was incorporated March 10, 1871, as chapter 19 of the laws of that session, and the past ollicers of New York Lodge Xo. 1 ^vere made the lirst members of the Grand Lodge under the act of corporation. The power to form subordinate lodges was given to the Grand Lodge on March 12, 1871. Charters were is- sued to Xew York Xo. 1 and Philadelphia Xo. 2. The third lodge was incorporated April 18, 187(5. in San Francisco, and sub.sequently lodges were formed in Chicago. Cincinnati, Sacramento, Baltimore, Louisville, Saint Louis, Boston. Pitts- burg, Indianapolis, Providence. Washington, Denver, Cleveland, in the order named, and other cities. During the thirty-five years of its ex- istence Xew York Lodge Xo. 1 alone has dis- pensed $175,000 in direct charity, having in ad- dition to assisting its own members, been a liberal contributor to the relief of suffering in national calamities like the Chicago and Bos- ton fires, and the Johnstown flood. The Order itself has since its institution dispensed nearly two millions in the same cause. Lodges at the present time number 816. and subordinate lodges have been established in Skaguay and Juneau in Alaska, Honohilti and Hilo in the Hawaiian Islands, and Manila in the Philippines. Mem- bership in the Order can be acquired only by white male citizens of the United States of the age of 21 and upward, of good moral character; only one lodge can be instituted in any one city, and such city must have a population of at least five thousand, and each lodge is given complete jurisdiction over all residents within said corporation. One of the unique features of the Order, and one which attracts the attention of the outside world more than anything else to its internal organization, is the annual memorial service for the dead of the Order, held by every lodge on the first Sunday in Deceud)er of each year. This is termed the Sacred Session of the Order. The similar term 'lodge of sorrow' is applied only to funerals. The membership at the present time is upward of 150.000. and it owns prop- erty and cash to the extent of about four mil- lion dollars. The EllcsAntler, claiming to have the largest circulation of any fraternal paper in tlic world, is published monthly by the Order. ELK'TON. A city and the county-seat of Todd County. Ky.. 160 miles southwest of Louis- ville, on a hninch of the Louisville and Xashville Railroad (Map: Kentucky, D 4). The Vander- bilt Training School (Methodist Episcopal, South) is located here. Elkton carries on a con- siderable trade in tobacco, grain, and hogs. Pop- ulation, in 1890, 11.58; in 1900. 1123. ELL (AS. rhi, leel. aliit. Goth, aleina. OHO. flino. rina, Ger. EUp: connected with Lat. ulna, Gk, litXivri, oleni, forearm ) . A measure of length.